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  • The ability to define body attributes was added to the "/sdk" resource and the "detect_policy" of the "/handlers" resource (see the SDK documentation for more information about body attributes).

    The following attributes can be estimated:

    • gender (male, female, undefined) and age by body image. The estimation of gender and age in this way is less accurate than estimation by face image.
    • presence of headwear, type of sleeves (long, short, undefined), clothing color (black, blue, green, gray, orange, purple, red, white, yellow, undefined). The following colors will be added in future updates: brown, pink, khaki, beige, multi-colored.
    • presence of backpack.

    A separate license is required to use the new functionality. You can get information about the license status by requesting the "/luna_sys_info" resource ("license_info" > "body_attributes" field).

    New body attributes were added to the event structure (see "detections" > "samples" > "body" > "detection" > "attributes").

    Example of estimating body attributes in the generated event, with "estimate_upper_body", "estimate_accessories" and "estimate_basic_attributes" parameters enabled in the handler:

    "attributes": { "basic_attributes": { "apparent_age": 25, "apparent_gender": 0 }, "upper_body": { "headwear": { "state": 0 }, "sleeve": { "length": "short" }, "upper_clothing": { "colors": [ "white", "black" ] } }, "accessories": { "backpack": { "state": 0 } } }

    The "apparent_gender", "apparent_age__gte", "apparent_age__lt", "headwear_states", "sleeve_lengths", "upper_clothing_colors", and "backpack_states" body attribute filters specified when using events as candidates were added to the "match_policy" of the "/handlers" resource and the "human body matching" resource. The ability to set body attributes as values for the "targets" field was also added.

    Body attribute filters can also be used when sending events via web sockets (see the "ws handshake" resource).

    Appropriate event filters were added to the Cross-matching, Clustering, Reporter, Exporter and Linker tasks.

    The ability to specify body attributes when creating new handler in the Estimator task is supported.

    Body attributes can be aggregated when "generating" or "saving" events and performing estimation in the "/sdk" resource. The aggregated attribute values are displayed in the "aggregate_estimations" fields of the respective resources.

  • Now the "/healthcheck" resource is used for checking the status of a launched service container when launching using script.

Fixed errors

  • Validation of events generated by the "save event" request was fixed. If checks from the "face_quality" section were set in the event, then the event could be sent to the Sender service in the wrong format.

  • The error was fixed where it was possible to set non-empty values for the "emotions", "masks" and "liveness" filters when specifying events as candidates in the "match_policy" of the "/handlers" resource.

  • Fixed was the fail upon changing the "DATA" variable value in the .env file.