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  • Database settings <service_name>_DB of all services have been expanded with a new optional parameter "dsn", which specifies a DSN string that can contain various settings for managing the connection to the database, such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port, and others (settings depend on the type of database).

    Due to the implementation of a new setting, the classic settings for connecting to the database ("db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password") in all settings of all services have become optional.

    If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres01,postgres02/luna_handlers"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

    After updating to the new version of LUNA PLATFORM, the "dsn" parameter will not appear in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. To use DSN, you must manually specify the appropriate parameter. Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter in the "LUNA_FACES_DB" section:

    { "dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_faces?some_option=some_value" "db_settings": { "connection_pool_size": 5 } }

    For more information, see the section "Connect to database using DSN" of the administrator manual.

  • Now in response to the requests "get system info" and "get license" in the "expiration_time" field, the value will be displayed "perpetual" for a perpetual license.

  • Now for the "Thin faces" matching plugin, you can configure the maximum size of the list to perform the matching. If the list exceeds the set number, then Python Matcher or LIM Indexed Matcher will be used for matching.

    The maximum size of the list is set by specifying the environment variable "VL_SETTINGS.THIN_FACE.MAX_LIST_LENGTH" when starting the Python Matcher service.

    Example of specifying a variable when starting the Python Matcher service using Docker: docker run \ -e VL_SETTINGS.THIN_FACE.MAX_LIST_LENGTH=100.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed the occurrence of error 31006 "Unexpected behavior of the {matcher_type} matcher: {plugin_error_description}" when performing a matching using a reference attribute and a matching plugin.