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LP changes

  • The parameters "downloadable" and "timestamp_source" have been added to the "create stream" request, enhancing video download management and timestamp source selection, allowing for more flexible and accurate video processing.

    The "downloadable" parameter determines whether the video file should be pre-downloaded before it is processed. Pre-downloading is necessary for:

    • Successful decoding of video files. Some files may experience decoding errors if the files are not saved first.
    • Long processing processes. If video processing takes a significant amount of time, storing prevents problems associated with connection breaks.

    Note that sometimes security policies prohibit saving video files. In such cases, pre-downloading may not be applicable.

    The "timestamp_source" parameter specifies where the timestamps for video analysis are to be sourced from. The following values are available:

    • "pts" - Uses video timestamps if present for precise playback time representation. Timestamps might not always be accurate (see below).
    • "server" - Utilizes server time for the video stream, ensuring consistency and synchronization with other events.
    • "frame_rate" - Employs frame rate for video files, helping to approximate timestamps.
    • "auto" (default) - Automatically selects the time source, first checking timestamps ("pts"), and then switching to server time ("server") or frame rate ("frame_rate") if timestamps are inaccurate.

    Accurate timestamps for a video file mean that the time stamps (PTS) should be close to zero, that is, the time from the beginning of the video to the tag should be relatively small (the absolute value should not exceed 10^5 seconds).

    Accurate timestamps for a video stream mean that the stream time differs from the server time by less than 1 day.

  • The option to set a custom offset for video timestamps (PTS) has been added to the "create stream" request.

    Specifying an offset allows synchronization of video processing start with a specific point in time. This is useful, for example, if the video is processed in segments and it is necessary for the timestamps of new segments to continue from the previous ones. Consequently, when splitting a large video into smaller segments, the timestamps will appear as though a single continuous video was processed.

    The offset is set in the "pts" > "start_time" parameter of the request body.

  • The "INFLUX_MONITORING" section has been renamed to "LUNA_MONITORING".

    The section now includes the "storage_type" parameter, which defines the type of monitoring data storage. Currently, only the "influx" type is available.

    Important: When updating the environment with Storages using different entities (e.g., "luna_prepare configs", "luna_prepare database", etc.), updating the environment for InfluxDB (arguments "aggregated_influx_bucket" and "influx_bucket") must be done strictly after migrating the settings (argument "configs"). Otherwise, the environment preparation will not be completed correctly. No additional actions are required when updating the entire environment using the "all_entities" argument.

  • Memory usage during clustering tasks has been reduced.

  • The base Lambda image has been updated in the current release.

    The "update lambda" request must be made to update the base image of the custom Lambda.

    Refer to the "Update lambda" section in the administrator manual for more detailed information.