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LP changes

  • The "ALLOW_LUNA_ACCOUNT_AUTH_HEADER" setting value is now set to false by default.

    This means that in new LUNA PLATFORM installations, the "LunaAccountIdAuth" authentication method will no longer be available unless explicitly enabled.

    This change is due to the fact that this authentication method has long been declared deprecated.

    Important: Support for the "LunaAccountIdAuth" method will be completely discontinued soon. It is recommended to switch to using "BasicAuth" and "BearerAuth" if the transition has not yet been made.

  • Face and body descriptors, returned in the response body of the "videosdk" request with people tracking analytics, are now returned in SDK format instead of Raw format.

    This enables using descriptors obtained from the "videosdk" request as candidates in matching requests.

  • Support for the 115th version of the neural network for extracting body descriptors has been added.

  • The use of the Quality threshold for Liveness is now considered deprecated.

    The "quality_threshold" parameter has been removed from the "LUNA_REMOTE_SDK_LIVENESS_ESTIMATOR_SETTINGS" section, and in the OpenAPI specification, the parameter is marked as Deprecated. For backward compatibility, the quality field is retained in the response but will always have a value of 1.

  • The "verifier_id" tag is now added to InfluxDB when performing the "perform verification" request.

    See more details about Handlers service monitoring in the "Monitoring" section of the Handlers service developer manual.

  • The example Standalone-lambda, which implements the functionality of matching faces from video with faces from a list, has been updated in the Lambda developer manual.

    The example now uses descriptors in SDK format instead of the deprecated Raw format.

  • In the "" script for Docker Compose deployment, Storages are now used for environment preparation.

    The script now supports the following arguments:

    • --common - Prepares the environment with the common profile and launches LUNA PLATFORM without Backports, Video Manager, and Video Agent services.
    • --extra backport3 - When activated with --common, the backports profile will be used during environment preparation, and the Backport3 service and its user interface will be launched.
    • --extra backport4 - When activated with --common, the backports profile will be used during environment preparation, and the Backport4 service and its user interface will be launched.
    • --extra videoanalytics - When activated with --common, the use of the Video Manager and Video Agent services in the "ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE" setting will be enabled, and the Video Manager and Video Agent services will be launched.
    • --help/-h - Displays help information.

    Combining the --extra backport3, --extra backport4, and --extra videoanalytics flags with --common allows enabling multiple additional services at once.

    Using the --extra flags without the --common flag is not possible.

    If no arguments are specified, the script will deploy LUNA PLATFORM similarly to the --common argument.

    Note that the "" script is an example of deploying LUNA PLATFORM using Docker Compose with a minimal workload and is not intended for use in a production environment.

  • When deploying Storages in a Kubernetes cluster using manifests from the distribution package, Storages pods will no longer automatically restart in case of execution errors.

LP fixed errors

  • Fixed an issue with lis_bucket migration in Storages during a downgrade when the Image Store service did not yet support TTL.

  • Fixed an issue with influx_bucket migration in Storages when updating from an older version where the "LUNA_MONITORING" setting was used.

  • Fixed the lack of database connection checks for the Video Manager service.