Matching plug-in

To integrate indexed matching into Luna Python Matcher Proxy through the plugin system, do the following:

  1. Copy folder with indexed matching plugin (client/client) into Luna Python Matcher Proxy plugin folder (luna_python_matcher/plugins) under some name (e.g. indexed_matcher):

    cp -r $LIM_ROOT/client/client $LUNA_PYTHON_MATCHER_ROOT/luna_python_matcher/plugins/indexed_matcher


    Skip this step if Luna Python Matcher Proxy is running in docker. The indexed matcher plugin is already integrated into container.

  2. Change matching plugin setting in Luna Configurator if needed.

    Redis standalone configuration setting example:

    LUNA_INDEXED_LIST_PLUGIN = {"REDIS_URL": "redis://some_username:some_password@localhost:6379/1", "REQUEST_TIMEOUT": 60}

    Redis Sentinel configuration setting example:

    LUNA_INDEXED_LIST_PLUGIN = {"REDIS_URL": "redis+sentinel://sentinel_username:sentinel_password@localhost:26379,localhost:26378/indexed_matcher/1?username=master_username&password=master_password", "REQUEST_TIMEOUT": 60}
  3. Extend LUNA_MATCHER_PROXY_ACTIVE_PLUGINS setting with new matching plugin:

    LUNA_MATCHER_PROXY_ACTIVE_PLUGINS = ["indexed_matcher"]