Interface sections#
Switching between which is carried out in the main menu bar and in the drop-down menu (Figure 4).
The main menu consists of the “Last events”, “Events archive”, “Search”, "Faces" and “Lists” sections.
The drop-down menu consists of the following sections: “Handling policies”, “Verification”, “Tasks”, “Checks”, “Users”, “Monitoring”, “Licenses” and “Plugins”.
To expand the drop-down menu, click the arrow on the right of the user’s avatar.
Purpose of the sections of the main menu:
- “Last events” displays the last 30 events, and it is possible to filter events by various parameters.
- “Events archive” displays all events recorded by the Interface and it is possible to filter events by various parameters.
- “Search” allows user to search faces, bodies and events by the following parameters:
- by external face ID;
- by face image;
- by body image;
- by Face ID from LP5;
- by event ID from LP5.
- “Faces” allows users to create, edit, and delete a faces.
- “Lists” allows users to create, edit, and delete lists.
Purpose of the sections of the drop-down menu:
- “Handling policies” allows user to create, delete, and edit policies (handlers);
- “Verification” allows user to create, delete, edit, and test verifiers. Verifiers are used to quickly compare two faces: by face photo and face ID, external ID, attribute, event, and display the test result;
- “Tasks” allows user to create, delete, and view tasks: cross-matching (comparison of two lists of faces), export of faces or events, batch processing of a photo archive according to a specific policy, batch import of an archive with photo images of faces into the list, and batch identification of an archive with photo images by faces or events.
- “Check” allows to check uploaded photo images for Liveness, DeepFake, compliance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standard, ICAO standard, biometric standards;
- “Users” shows the list of user accounts created in LUNA PLATFORM 5.
- “Monitoring” shows status of the connected services, modules, components, and systems.
- “Licenses” shows status of the available licenses;
- “Plugins” shows status of plugins imported into LUNA PLATFORM 5.