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Faces section#

The “Faces” section is intended for viewing, creating and deleting faces. The general view of the “Faces” section is presented below (Figure 13).

“Faces” Section
Figure 13. “Faces” Section

The “Faces” section contains the following elements:

  • List of faces (1):
  • Photo of the face;
  • Information, such as the temperature of the person whose face is in the photo;
  • Date and time of creation of the face;
  • Lists that contain the face;
  • Face ID;
  • Filters (2);
  • Button to open the face creation form. (3)

Click on the filter icon to find events by (Figure 14):

  • Lists—select from the list the list to which the persons belong;
  • Date of creation—select the period during which the faces were created;
  • External ID—specify comma-separated external identifiers. Copy the external ID from the "Face details" page to find all faces with such external ID;
  • Face ID—specify comma-separated face identifiers that are created in the LUNA PLATFORM 5 system as a result of a detection event and extraction of attributes. Copy the face ID from the "Face details" page to find all faces with such IDs;
  • Information—specify data associated with the person. Copy the information from the "Face details" page to find all faces with such information.
Filtering in the “Faces” section
Figure 14. Filtering in the “Faces” section

Click on from the list of faces to go to the face details.

Creating face#

To add a new face, click on the “Create face” button in the upper right corner of the section page. The general view of the window for creating a face is presented below (Figure 15).

Form for adding a face
Figure 15. Form for adding a face

Enter the required information:

  • Field for uploading a photo of the person—avatar (required to be filled out). There may be one face or several ones in the photo. If there is more than one face in the photo, then after uploading you have to select which face to be added in the list/lists—the selected face will be highlighted with a green frame. You can add more than one person via batch import;
  • “Information”—information about the person. For example, the position of the employee whose face you are adding;
  • “External ID”—external identifier of the face. If you need to add a face to an existing face card, copy the External ID from the "Face details" page and paste it into the field. In this case, several faces will be assigned to one external ID. If you need to create a face with a unique external ID, enter your own identifier in the field as a set of letters and/or numbers;
  • “Lists”—the name of the list to which the face will be added (multiple lists can be selected);
  • “Check photo image quality for compliance with the ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standard”—if enabled, the photo will be added to the list only after passing the ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 verification.
  • —button for resetting the uploaded photo image.

Image file requirements:

  • *.jpeg, *.png or *.bmp format;
  • image size no more than 15 MB and no more than 3840x2160 pixels;
  • image may contain one or more persons;
  • image must have person's face.

Fill in the fields and click the “Save” button. A message about the successful face creating will appear on the screen.

Face details#

To open the page with face details click on the arrow button on the face image from the "Top match" column in the "Last events" section or in the event details.

The "Face details" page consists of two blocks (Figure 16).

Face details
Figure 16. Face details

Descriptions of page elements are presented below (Table 7).

Table 7. Elements and parameters of the face details page



Photo image of a face

Avatar is a biometric sample that is created when uploading a photo image to the list (to the LUNA PLATFORM 5 system).

When clicked on | the biometric sample opens in a new tab

| When clicked, a search for faces by face ID is performed | | in a new tab

Update photo

Opening the form to upload a new face photo image

Edit face user data

Opening a form for editing face data (“Information”, “External ID”, “Lists”)

Delete face

Removal of face biometric sample, face photo image, and face details (available only for the administrator role)

Date created

Date and time of creation of the biometric sample


User data from the database, linked to a face (upon availability)

External ID

External identifier of the face

Lists (N)

The list and number of lists to which the person is attached. Clicking on the name opens the list

Additional information

“Face ID” — when clicked on , the value is copied to the clipboard |

Face attributes


“Gender” — gender of a person (male/female);

“Age category” — indication of age category. Hover the cursor over the card to find out the exact age of the person determined from the face image.

Additional properties

Face properties:

  • Head tilt angle (roll);

  • Head tilt angle (pitch);

  • Head rotation angle (yaw);

  • Eye direction (pitch);

  • Eye direction (yaw);

  • Light;

  • Dark;

  • Blur;

  • Specularity;

  • Illumination

  • Mouth state;

  • Eye state

Indication of attributes and properties of the face/body is specified in the policy settings

Faces with the same external ID

Could be empty (“No external ID”)

Photo image of a face

Avatar, sample or no photo

Date created

Date and time of creation of the biometric sample


User data from the database, linked to a face (upon availability)

Lists (N)

The list and number of lists to which the person is attached.

Clicking on a name opens a list

| When clicked, face details open |

View all faces with the same external ID

When clicked, the search for faces by external ID is performed, and a list of all faces, whose external ID matches the one of the reference photo, opens.

Last events with this face

Could be empty (“No events with this face”)

Photo image of a face from a video stream

Normalized image:

  • when clicked on the | biometric sample opens in a new tab;

  • when clicked on the full | frame from the video stream opens

Similarity value of identified face with the face from control list (in percentage)

Date created

Date and time of recording the event with a face

Event source

The name of the event source that recorded the event with a face

When clicked on the name of the event source, a preview of the video stream in real time opens

Handling policy

Name of the policy that processed the image in the video stream

Clicking on the name of the policy opens the form for editing its parameters

| When clicked, the event details opens |

View all events with this face

When clicked, an events archive page with maximum match result this person opens

Editing and deleting face#

Click the “Update photo” button to update the photo image on the page with face details. The general view of the photo image update form is shown below (Figure 17).

Image file requirements:

  • *.png , *.jpeg, or *.bmp format;
  • image size no more than 15 MB and no more than 3840x2160 pixels;
  • image may contain one or more people;
  • image must have a person's face.
Form for updating a photo image on the page with face details.
Figure 17. Form for updating a photo image on the page with face details.

Click the “Edit face user data” button to edit the face user data. The general view of the face user data editing form is shown below (Figure 18).

Face user data editing form contains:

  • “User data” — information from the database, linked to a face (upon availability);
  • “External ID” — external identifier of the face;
  • “Lists” — lists to which the face is attached;
  • “Save” button — button for saving changes.

If you need to go back to the page with face details during editing, press the Esc key on your keyboard.

For for editing user data
Figure 18. For for editing user data

Click the “Delete face” button to delete the face along with its data. Confirm the action in the pop-up window—click the “Delete” button or cancel the action using the “Cancel” button (Esc key on the keyboard). After successful removal, a corresponding notification will appear.