Garbage collecting task¶
Garbage collecting is removing descriptors or events. Heavy requests to internal services are executed with a timeout x 100 compared to the set one.
It is possible to delete descriptors from luna-faces by specified descriptor_version without accounting
It is possible to delete face or body descriptors from luna-events by specified descriptor_version and descriptor_type without accounting
It is possible to delete events by filters along with face and body samples
It is possible to delete general events by filters
Task allows to remove associated with events images (samples or image_origins) by setting appropriate options for task - remove_samples, remove_image_origins. In case url of the image origin points to external image task tries to remove it by performing DELETE request to the image url.
If Luna Image Store is disabled
the samples removing is disabled
no subtask/task results will be stored
after completing the subtask, the task status will be updated as Done and task result id will be None