Source code for luna_lambda_tools.public.handlers.schemas

Module contains pydantic schemas for handlers lambda

from typing import Literal, Union, final

from cow.pydantic.types import CustomFloat, Float, OptionalNotNullable
from pydantic import Field, StrictBytes, conlist, model_validator
from vlutils.structures.pydantic import BaseModel as _BaseModel

from luna_lambda_tools.public.schemas.base import BoundingBox, Location

[docs] @final class ImageOrigin(_BaseModel): """Image origin""" # image origin as bytes body: str | bytes # image body meta bodyMeta: dict | None = None
[docs] @final class SourceData(_BaseModel): """Source data""" # source (if present) source: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # stream id streamId: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # tags (if present) tags: list[str] = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # user data userData: str = "" # external id externalId: str = "" # track id trackId: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # meta information provided by user (if present) meta: dict = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # luna-event time (if present) eventTime: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # luna event end time (if present) eventEndTime: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) # luna event location location: Location | None = None
[docs] class DetectTs(CustomFloat): """User-defined timestamp relative to something, such as the start of a video""" ge = 0.0 le = 158731466399.999
[docs] class EventSourceBase(_BaseModel): """Event source base""" filename: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) detectTime: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) detectTs: DetectTs = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) imageOrigin: ImageOrigin | str = Field(default_factory=lambda: None)
[docs] class Angles(_BaseModel): """Angles""" pitch: Float(minValue=-180, maxValue=180) roll: Float(minValue=-180, maxValue=180) yaw: Float(minValue=-180, maxValue=180)
[docs] class BodyDetectionData(_BaseModel): """Body detection data""" boundingBox: BoundingBox originBoundingBox: BoundingBox = OptionalNotNullable() class Config: extra = "allow"
[docs] class FaceDetectionData(_BaseModel): """Face detection data""" boundingBox: BoundingBox originBoundingBox: BoundingBox = OptionalNotNullable() angles: Angles = OptionalNotNullable() score: Float(minValue=0, maxValue=1) = OptionalNotNullable() class Config: extra = "allow"
[docs] class RawImageAggregated(_BaseModel): """Raw image source""" body: StrictBytes faceDetectionData: conlist(FaceDetectionData, min_length=1, max_length=1) = OptionalNotNullable() bodyDetectionData: conlist(BodyDetectionData, min_length=1, max_length=1) = OptionalNotNullable() meta: dict | None = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) trustedDetections: Literal[0, 1] = 0
[docs] class RawDetection(_BaseModel): """Raw detection""" warp: StrictBytes = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) originBoundingBox: BoundingBox = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) boundingBox: BoundingBox = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) meta: dict | None = Field(default_factory=lambda: None)
[docs] class FaceDetection(RawDetection): """Face detection""" angles: Angles = OptionalNotNullable() score: Float(minValue=0, maxValue=1) = OptionalNotNullable() class Config: extra = "allow"
[docs] class RawDetectionsAggregated(_BaseModel): """Raw detections pair""" face: FaceDetection = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) body: RawDetection = Field(default_factory=lambda: None) trustedDetections: Literal[0, 1] = 0
[docs] class RawImageNonAggregated(RawImageAggregated): """Raw image non aggregated""" sourceData: SourceData = SourceData()
[docs] class RawDetectionsNonAggregated(RawDetectionsAggregated): """Raw detections non aggregated""" sourceData: SourceData = SourceData()
[docs] class EventSourceAggregatedRawImage(EventSourceBase): sourceType: Literal["raw_image"] source: RawImageAggregated class Config: extra = "allow"
[docs] class EventSourceAggregatedDetections(EventSourceBase): sourceType: Literal["detections"] source: conlist(RawDetectionsAggregated) class Config: extra = "allow"
[docs] class EventSourceNonAggregatedRawImage(EventSourceBase): sourceType: Literal["raw_image"] source: RawImageNonAggregated class Config: extra = "allow"
[docs] class EventSourceNonAggregatedDetections(EventSourceBase): sourceType: Literal["detections"] source: conlist(RawDetectionsNonAggregated) class Config: extra = "allow"
[docs] class EventSourceSchema(_BaseModel): sources: list[ Union[ EventSourceNonAggregatedRawImage, EventSourceNonAggregatedDetections, EventSourceAggregatedRawImage, EventSourceAggregatedDetections, ] ] aggregateAttributes: Literal[0, 1] useExifInfo: bool = True sourceData: SourceData | None = None @model_validator(mode="before") def discriminateSources(cls, values): aggregateAttrs = values.get("aggregate_attributes") sourceItems = values.get("sources", []) if aggregateAttrs == 0: processedSources = [ cls.discriminateSourceType(item, EventSourceNonAggregatedRawImage, EventSourceNonAggregatedDetections) for item in sourceItems ] elif aggregateAttrs == 1: processedSources = [ cls.discriminateSourceType(item, EventSourceAggregatedRawImage, EventSourceAggregatedDetections) for item in sourceItems ] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for aggregate_attributes {aggregateAttrs}") values["sources"] = processedSources return values @staticmethod def discriminateSourceType(item, rawImageClass, detectionsClass): sourceType = item.get("source_type") if sourceType == "raw_image": return rawImageClass(**item) elif sourceType == "detections": return detectionsClass(**item) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported source_type {sourceType}")