Source code for

Module contains luna-events client adapted for usage in lambda

from typing import Awaitable, Literal

from luna3.common.http_objs import GeneralStatQuery, StatQuery
from luna3.common.luna_response import LunaResponse
from import EventsApi

[docs] class Events: """Luna-events client"""
[docs] def __init__(self, eventsClient: EventsApi, accountId: str): self._accountId = accountId self._eventsClient = eventsClient
[docs] def getAddress(self) -> str: """Get luna events address""" return self._eventsClient.baseUri
[docs] def saveEvents( self, events: list[Event], waitEventsSaving: bool | None = None, raiseError=True, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Save events to luna-events. Args: events: list of events waitEventsSaving: whether to wait events saving (response will be received only after events will be saved) raiseError: whether to raise LunaApiException in case of failure Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. """ return self._eventsClient.saveEvents( accountId=self._accountId, events=events, waitEventsSaving=waitEventsSaving, raiseError=raiseError, **kwargs, )
[docs] def getEvents( # pylint: disable=R0914 self, target: list[EVENT_TARGET] | None = None, createTimeGte: str | None = None, createTimeLt: str | None = None, endTimeGte: str | None = None, endTimeLt: str | None = None, eventIds: list[str] | None = None, eventIdGte: str | None = None, eventIdLt: str | None = None, handlerIds: list[str] | None = None, externalIds: list[str] | None = None, topMatchingCandidatesLabel: str | None = None, topSimilarObjectIds: list[str] | None = None, topSimilarExternalIds: list[str] | None = None, topSimilarObjectSimilarityGte: float | None = None, topSimilarObjectSimilarityLt: float | None = None, ageLt: int | None = None, ageGte: int | None = None, gender: int | Literal["null"] | None = None, emotions: list[int | Literal["null"]] | None = None, masks: list[int | Literal["null"]] | None = None, ethnicGroups: list[int | Literal["null"]] | None = None, liveness: list[int | Literal["null"]] | None = None, apparentAgeGte: int | None = None, apparentAgeLt: int | None = None, apparentGender: list[Literal[0, 1, 2]] | Literal["null"] = None, headwearStates: list[Literal[0, 1, 2] | Literal["null"]] | None = None, headwearApparentColors: list[PRIMITIVE_CLOTHING_COLOR | Literal["null"]] | None = None, sleeveLengths: list[Literal["short", "long", "undefined", "null"]] | None = None, upperClothingColors: list[CLOTHING_COLOR | Literal["null"]] | None = None, lowerGarmentTypes: list[Literal["undefined", "trousers", "shorts", "skirt", "null"]] | None = None, lowerGarmentColors: list[CLOTHING_COLOR | Literal["null"]] | None = None, shoesApparentColors: list[PRIMITIVE_CLOTHING_COLOR | Literal["null"]] | None = None, backpackStates: list[Literal[0, 1, 2] | Literal["null"]] | None = None, faceIds: list[str] | None = None, userData: str | None = None, page: int | None = 1, pageSize: int | None = 10, order: str | None = "desc", sources: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, tags: list[str] | None = None, cities: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, areas: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, districts: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, streets: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, houseNumbers: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, originLongitude: float | Literal["null"] | None = None, originLatitude: float | Literal["null"] | None = None, longitudeDelta: float | None = None, latitudeDelta: float | None = None, trackIds: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, meta: dict | None = None, raiseError=True, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get events by filters. Args: target: list of events' fields to receive instead of full events createTimeGte: lower including create time boundary createTimeLt: upper excluding create time boundary endTimeGte: lower including end time boundary endTimeLt: upper excluding end time boundary faceIds: ids of faces linked with an event eventIds: event ids eventIdGte: event id lower including bound eventIdLt: event id upper excluding bound handlerIds: handler ids externalIds: external ids userData: event user data sources: list of source tags: users tags topMatchingCandidatesLabel: top matching candidates label topSimilarObjectIds: top similar object ids topSimilarExternalIds: top similar external ids topSimilarObjectSimilarityGte: lower including top similarity boundary topSimilarObjectSimilarityLt: upper excluding top similarity boundary ageLt: upper excluding age boundary ageGte: lower including age boundary gender: gender of event (0 or 1) emotions: dominant emotions in event (one of (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) - matches "anger", "disgust", "fear", "happiness", "neutral", "sadness", "surprise") masks: dominant masks in event (one of (1, 2, 3) - matches "missing", "medical_mask", "occluded") ethnicGroups: dominant ethnicity of the face ((1, 2, 3, 4) - means (indian, asian, african_american, caucasian) liveness: dominant liveness of the face ((0, 1, 2) - means ("spoof", "real", "unknown")) apparentAgeLt: apparent age upper excluding boundary apparentAgeGte: apparent age upper including boundary apparentGender: apparent gender estimation values (0 - female, 1 - male, 2 - undefined) headwearStates: headwear states (0 - absent, 1 - present, 2 - undefined) headwearApparentColors: headwear apparent colors sleeveLengths: sleeve lengths upperClothingColors: upper clothing colors lowerGarmentTypes: lower garment types lowerGarmentColors: lower garment colors shoesApparentColors: shoes apparent colors backpackStates: backpack states (0 - absent, 1 - present, 2 - undefined) areas: list of areas streets: list of streets districts: list of districts cities: list of cities houseNumbers: list of house numbers originLongitude: origin longitude in degrees originLatitude: origin latitude in degrees longitudeDelta: longitude delta in degrees latitudeDelta: latitude delta in degrees trackIds: list of track ids meta: user-defined event meta's filters in format {meta.<>__<operator>:<type>: <value>} page: number of result page pageSize: count of results in page order: result sort order (ask or desc) raiseError: whether to raise LunaApiException in case of failure Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with events will be returned. """ return self._eventsClient.getEvents( target=target, createTimeGte=createTimeGte, createTimeLt=createTimeLt, endTimeGte=endTimeGte, endTimeLt=endTimeLt, eventIds=eventIds, eventIdGte=eventIdGte, eventIdLt=eventIdLt, handlerIds=handlerIds, externalIds=externalIds, topMatchingCandidatesLabel=topMatchingCandidatesLabel, topSimilarObjectIds=topSimilarObjectIds, topSimilarExternalIds=topSimilarExternalIds, topSimilarObjectSimilarityGte=topSimilarObjectSimilarityGte, topSimilarObjectSimilarityLt=topSimilarObjectSimilarityLt, ageLt=ageLt, ageGte=ageGte, gender=gender, emotions=emotions, masks=masks, ethnicGroups=ethnicGroups, liveness=liveness, apparentAgeGte=apparentAgeGte, apparentAgeLt=apparentAgeLt, apparentGender=apparentGender, headwearStates=headwearStates, headwearApparentColors=headwearApparentColors, sleeveLengths=sleeveLengths, upperClothingColors=upperClothingColors, lowerGarmentTypes=lowerGarmentTypes, lowerGarmentColors=lowerGarmentColors, shoesApparentColors=shoesApparentColors, backpackStates=backpackStates, faceIds=faceIds, userData=userData, page=page, pageSize=pageSize, order=order, sources=sources, tags=tags, cities=cities, areas=areas, districts=districts, streets=streets, houseNumbers=houseNumbers, originLongitude=originLongitude, originLatitude=originLatitude, longitudeDelta=longitudeDelta, latitudeDelta=latitudeDelta, trackIds=trackIds, meta=meta, accountId=self._accountId, raiseError=raiseError, **kwargs, )
[docs] def getEventDescriptor( self, eventId: str | None = None, descriptorVersion: int | None = None, descriptorType: str | None = None, raiseError=True, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get event descriptor by filters. Args: eventId: event id descriptorVersion: descriptor version descriptorType: Kind of the descriptor (body or face) raiseError: whether to raise LunaApiException in case of failure Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with event descriptor will be returned. """ return self._eventsClient.getEventDescriptor( eventId=eventId, accountId=self._accountId, descriptorVersion=descriptorVersion, descriptorType=descriptorType, raiseError=raiseError, **kwargs, )
[docs] def getEvent( self, eventId: str, target: list[EVENT_TARGET] | None = None, raiseError: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get event by id. Args: eventId: event id target: list of events' fields to receive instead of full events raiseError: whether to raise LunaApiException in case of failure Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with events will be returned. """ return self._eventsClient.getEvent( eventId=eventId, accountId=self._accountId, target=target, raiseError=raiseError, **kwargs, )
[docs] def headEvent( self, eventId: str, raiseError: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Check event existence by id. Args: eventId: event id raiseError: whether to raise LunaApiException in case of failure Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with events will be returned. """ return self._eventsClient.checkEvent( eventId=eventId, accountId=self._accountId, raiseError=raiseError, **kwargs )
[docs] def getEventsStats( self, query: StatQuery = StatQuery(), raiseError: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get events statistics by aggregation (<aggregator> and <groupBy> on <target>) and filters. Args: query: query object or query dict, contained in StatQuery object raiseError: whether to raise LunaApiException in case of failure Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with event statistics will be returned. """ query.addFilter("account_id", "eq", self._accountId) return self._eventsClient.getEventsStats( query=query, raiseError=raiseError, **kwargs, )
[docs] def deleteEvents( self, target: list[str] | None = None, handlerId: str | None = None, createTimeGte: str | None = None, createTimeLt: str | None = None, insertTimeGte: str | None = None, insertTimeLt: str | None = None, raiseError: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Delete events by filters. Args: target: event deletion info targets handlerId: event handler id createTimeGte: lower including create time boundary createTimeLt: upper excluding create time boundary insertTimeGte: lower including insert time boundary insertTimeLt: upper excluding insert time boundary raiseError: whether to raise LunaApiException in case of failure Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with events will be returned. """ return self._eventsClient.deleteEvents( target=target, handlerId=handlerId, createTimeGte=createTimeGte, createTimeLt=createTimeLt, insertTimeGte=insertTimeGte, insertTimeLt=insertTimeLt, raiseError=raiseError, **kwargs, )
[docs] def saveGeneralEvents( self, events: list[GeneralEvent | dict], waitEventsSaving: bool | None = None, contentType: str = "application/msgpack", **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Save general events to luna-events. Args: events: list of events waitEventsSaving: whether to wait events saving (response will be received only after events will be saved) contentType: content type to use (supported now: "application/json", "application/msgpack" (default)) Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. """ return self._eventsClient.saveGeneralEvents( events=events, waitEventsSaving=waitEventsSaving, contentType=contentType, **kwargs )
[docs] def getGeneralEvents( # pylint: disable=R0914 self, eventType: list[str] | None = None, createTimeGte: str | None = None, createTimeLt: str | None = None, endTimeGte: str | None = None, endTimeLt: str | None = None, insertTimeGte: str | None = None, insertTimeLt: str | None = None, eventIds: list[str] | None = None, eventIdGte: str | None = None, eventIdLt: str | None = None, sources: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, streamIds: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, trackIds: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, cities: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, areas: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, districts: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, streets: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, houseNumbers: list[str | Literal["null"]] | None = None, originLongitude: float | Literal["null"] | None = None, originLatitude: float | Literal["null"] | None = None, longitudeDelta: float | None = None, latitudeDelta: float | None = None, eventContentFilters: dict | None = None, *, page: int | None = 1, pageSize: int | None = 10, order: str | None = "desc", **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get general events by filters. Args: eventType: general event types createTimeGte: lower including create time boundary createTimeLt: upper excluding create time boundary endTimeGte: lower including end time boundary endTimeLt: upper excluding end time boundary insertTimeGte: lower including insert time boundary insertTimeLt: upper excluding insert time boundary eventIds: event ids eventIdGte: event id lower including bound eventIdLt: event id upper excluding bound sources: list of sources streamIds: list of stream ids trackIds: list of track ids cities: list of cities areas: list of areas districts: list of districts streets: list of streets houseNumbers: list of house numbers originLongitude: origin longitude in degrees originLatitude: origin latitude in degrees longitudeDelta: longitude delta in degrees latitudeDelta: latitude delta in degrees eventContentFilters: event json content filters page: number of result page pageSize: count of results in page order: result sort order (ask or desc) Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with events will be returned. """ return self._eventsClient.getGeneralEvents( eventType=eventType, createTimeGte=createTimeGte, createTimeLt=createTimeLt, endTimeGte=endTimeGte, endTimeLt=endTimeLt, insertTimeGte=insertTimeGte, insertTimeLt=insertTimeLt, accountId=self._accountId, eventIds=eventIds, eventIdGte=eventIdGte, eventIdLt=eventIdLt, sources=sources, streamIds=streamIds, trackIds=trackIds, cities=cities, areas=areas, districts=districts, streets=streets, houseNumbers=houseNumbers, originLongitude=originLongitude, originLatitude=originLatitude, longitudeDelta=longitudeDelta, latitudeDelta=latitudeDelta, eventContentFilters=eventContentFilters, page=page, pageSize=pageSize, order=order, **kwargs, )
[docs] def deleteGeneralEvents( self, eventType: list[str] | None = None, eventCreateTimeGte: str | None = None, eventCreateTimeLt: str | None = None, insertTimeGte: str | None = None, insertTimeLt: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Delete general events by filters. Args: eventType: general event types eventCreateTimeGte: lower including create time boundary eventCreateTimeLt: upper excluding create time boundary insertTimeGte: lower including insert time boundary insertTimeLt: upper excluding insert time boundary Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with events will be returned. """ return self._eventsClient.deleteGeneralEvents( eventType=eventType, accountId=self._accountId, eventCreateTimeGte=eventCreateTimeGte, eventCreateTimeLt=eventCreateTimeLt, insertTimeGte=insertTimeGte, insertTimeLt=insertTimeLt, **kwargs, )
[docs] def checkGeneralEvent(self, eventId: str, **kwargs) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Check general event existence by id. Args: eventId: event id Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with events will be returned. """ return self._eventsClient.checkGeneralEvent(eventId=eventId, accountId=self._accountId, **kwargs)
[docs] def getGeneralEvent(self, eventId: str, **kwargs) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get general event by id. Args: eventId: event id Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with events will be returned. """ return self._eventsClient.getGeneralEvent(eventId=eventId, accountId=self._accountId, **kwargs)
[docs] def getGeneralEventsStats( self, query: StatQuery | dict = GeneralStatQuery(), **kwargs ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get general events statistics by aggregation (<aggregator> and <groupBy> on <target>) and filters. Args: query: query object or query dict, contained in GeneralStatQuery object Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with event statistics will be returned. """ return self._eventsClient.getGeneralEventsStats(query=query, **kwargs)
[docs] def getDeletedGeneralEvents( self, deletionTimeGte: str | None = None, deletionTimeLt: str | None = None, eventIds: list[str] | None = None, eventIdGte: str | None = None, eventIdLt: str | None = None, *, page: int | None = 1, pageSize: int | None = 10, order: str | None = "desc", **kwargs, ) -> Awaitable[LunaResponse] | LunaResponse: """ Get deleted general events. Args: deletionTimeGte: lower including deletion time boundary deletionTimeLt: upper excluding end time boundary eventIds: event ids eventIdGte: event id lower including bound eventIdLt: event id upper excluding bound page: number of result page pageSize: count of results in page order: result sort order (ask or desc) Returns: class:`~.LunaResponse` or *asyncio coroutine* with *LunaResponse*. In body of :class: `~.LunaResponse` json with events will be returned. """ return self._eventsClient.getDeletedGeneralEvents( deletionTimeGte=deletionTimeGte, deletionTimeLt=deletionTimeLt, eventIds=eventIds, eventIdGte=eventIdGte, eventIdLt=eventIdLt, page=page, pageSize=pageSize, order=order, **kwargs, )