Configurator ============ It is possible to run service with config received from *luna-configurator*: To use *luna-configurator* for service launching, do not pass *config* param to run service. Simple service launching with *luna-configurator*: (It will works if *luna-configurator* has been launched at localhost on 5070 port) .. code-block:: bash python To specify *luna-configurator* address and port, use: .. code-block:: bash python --luna-config Where ** is available *luna-configurator* service address and *1* is available configurator api version. If one does not pass *--luna-config* command-line argument, it can be specified in the *luna-configurator* section of a config file. While the value of *USE_CONFIGURATOR* is 0, file config settings are used, otherwise, the settings from the configurator specified in the config file will be used. Also, it is possible to specify a tag for every possible setting to get the non-default setting. (see *luna-configurator* documentation for more information). Example: .. code-block:: bash python --INFLUX_MONITORING TAG_1 Where *INFLUX_MONITORING* is setting name and *TAG_1* is the desired tag for this setting. To see all possible settings and its description, execute: .. code-block:: bash python --help or .. code-block:: bash python -h