Lambda updates ============== The base image for lambda containers is updated periodically. This requires the lambda to be recreated so that its container can be rebuilt on the basis of the new image. After the base image and *luna_lambda_tools* are updated, the functionality of the lambda may be affected. The backup is normally stored in S3. Update mechanism ---------------- You can update lambda using `update lambda <./_static/api.html#operation/updateLambda>`_ API method but it recommended the backup archive to be present in S3. Backup strategies ----------------- * Do not delete the archive from S3: This is the primary backup storage. * Store locally: Use your personal storage. * Use Kubernetes directly: If the only available location to retrieve the lambda is directly from the Kubernetes cluster, you can ask the cluster admin to get backup directly from existing lambda. Restoration from backup ----------------------- In case the archive is not present in S3, you can use the backup file and use the `put lambda <./_static/api.html#operation/putLambda>`_ API method. This is necessary as the Lambda service in this case does not have access to the original archive. Remember, updates in the base image and *luna_lambda_tools* may disrupt the lambda functionality. Thus, as an optional but recommended step, perform a preliminary local run before updating.