"Checks" section#
The “Checks” section is intended to evaluate uploaded photo images for:
- Liveness;
- DeepFake;
- compliance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standard;
- compliance with ICAO standard;
- compliance with the biometric standards.
Checks are available only if user has the corresponding licenses.
The “Checks” section contains the following items (Figure 84):
- Photo image upload window allows you to upload a photo image by clicking the file or using drag and drop;
- A list of checks, where the user selects which ones to use to check the image.

To start checking a photo, upload or drag and drop your file, select checks from the list, then click the "Check" button.
The form with the results of checking contains (Figure 85):
- Final assessment of whether the photo passed the selected checks;
- Results for each check criterion: if the photo meets the criterion, then the font color is green; if it doesn't, then the font color is red. A photo must meet all the criterion in order to comply with the check;
- The number of criteria that the photo does not meet if the result of the check is negative;
- Button for downloading results of checking in json;
- Button to reset old photo. Allows you to start a new scan for a different photo.

Image file requirements:
- *.jpeg, *.png or *.bmp format;
- image size no more than 15 MB and no more than 3840x2160 pixels;
- image may contain one or more people;
- image must have a person's face.