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Licenses section#

The “Licenses” section provides the information about available licenses.

The section contains the following tabs:

“General information”–shows whether the license has expired (Figure 88);

Figure 88. "General information" in the "Licenses" section

“Estimations”–shows the status (enabled/disabled) of licenses for (Figure 89):

  • estimating the number of people in an image (PlatformPeopleCounter);
  • checking quality of facial image (PlatformISO);
  • estimation of body attributes (PlatformBodyAttributes);
  • Liveness check (PlatformLiveness);
  • Deepfake check (PlatformDeepfake);
Figure 89. "Estimations" in the "Licenses" section

“Modules”–shows the status (enabled/disabled) of service licenses for (Figure 90):

  • storing data about events in the database (Events Service);
  • completing tasks (Tasks Service);
  • sending event notifications via a web socket (Sender Service);
  • storing samples, reports on task execution, created clusters and additional metadata (Image Store Service);
  • creating and storing handlers (Handlers Service).
Figure 90. "Modules" in the "Licenses" section

Each tab allows you to go to the page for buying license or renewal.