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"Statistics" section#

The "Statistics" section is designed for getting statistical data on events and building graphs based on them. When you open the section, a page opens with a list of pre-configured charts (Figure 81):

  • Age distribution;
  • Attendance by gender;
  • Distribution gender,
  • Gender ratio;
  • Emotion distribution;
  • Average age by gender.
Figure 81. "Statistics" section

Go to the chart editing page by clicking next to the chart. Change the field values ​​and build a new charts.

Chart settings#

The chart creation and configuration page consists of table (Table 28). Specify the data for building the chart. After selecting the parameters, click the "Refresh" button to show the specified data on the chart. Click "Reset to default" to reset values ​​in the fields to the original ones.

Table 28. Description of the elements of the chart setup page



"Basic parameters"

Fields required for plotting a chart

"Chart Title"

Field for entering the chart title

"Chart type"

Drop-down list for selecting the chart type:

  • Bars
  • Horizontal bars
  • Areas
  • Step areas
  • Stacks
  • Lines
  • Pie
  • Doughnut
  • Radar



Drop-down list for selecting the type of data aggregation. The set of acceptable values ​​in the field depends on the value selected in the "Data" field.

Possible values ​​of the "Aggregator" field:

  • Count
  • Maximum value
  • Minimum value
  • Average value

"Grouping" tab

Group by time

Fields required for grouping data by time

"Group by"

Drop-down list for selecting the type of grouping by time. Available values:

  • By time intervals—when this type is selected, the “Count” and “Dimension” fields become mandatory.
  • By frequency—when this type is selected, the “Frequency” field becomes mandatory.

The “Count” field is used to specify the number of time intervals specified in the “Dimension” field.

The “Dimension” field is a drop-down list of dimension values. Valid field values: "Minute", "Hour", "Day", "Week", "Month", "Year".

The “Frequency” field is a drop-down list of frequency values. Valid field values: "By months of the year", "By weeks of the year", "By days of the year", "By days of the month", "By days of the week", "By hours of the day", "By minutes of the hour"

Group by field

Fields required to group data by field value


Drop-down list for selecting the field by which events will be grouped. For example, specify "Age" to get the distribution of events by age. Leave the value empty, to get the distribution by all events containing the characteristic specified in the "Data" field, "Basic Parameters" tab.

Add an additional field for distribution, for example "Gender", to get a combined chart (Figure 82)

The field is available for input except when the "Donut" or "Pie" chart type or the group by by time intervals is selected.

Filters tab


Fields required to filter data by period

"From" and "To"

Fields for selecting a date. The chart includes events created between the specified dates and times.


Fields required to group data by field value

“Add field” button

Button for adding a new group of fields to fill in the filter parameters


Drop-down list for selecting the field by which filtering will be performed


Drop-down list of functions for filtering. Activated by selecting a value in the "Field". Valid field values:

Contains/Does not contain symbol, Includes/Excludes value, Equals/Not equals, Greater than, Greater than or equal to, Less than, Less than or equal to, Empty, Included in the area


Field for entering a value corresponding to the function for filtering. It can be either text format or drop-down options, depending on the selected value in the "Field". Activated by selecting a value in the "Functions" field.

For example, select filtering by "Emotions" in the "Field". Specify the value "Equals" in the "Function" field and "Happiness" in the "Value" field to find out the number of events in which the emotion of the detected of the person was identified as "Happiness".

Add another field to expand the filtering. Specify "Age" in "Field", "Greater than or equal to" in the "Function" and "30" as a "Value". The chart will show the number of events where people with the emotion "Happiness" and age from 30 years were recognized (Figure 83)

Combined diagram of distribution of events by age and gender
Figure 82. Combined diagram of distribution of events by age and gender
Diagram of distribution of events by the presence of the emotion
Figure 83. Diagram of distribution of events by the presence of the emotion "Happiness" in people over 30 years old

Download the event report that the graph is based on. Clicking the or button to download the report in json or csv format.