

  1. [LUNA-7400] The ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE setting was extened by LUNA_REMOTE_SDK. From now on it is possible to run Luna API service without Luna Remote SDK.

  2. [LUNA-7409] Added matching for general events, you can check out the new endpoint in the API here

  3. [LUNA-7412] The videosdk can now be started as background task by adjusting deferred_task property. See videosdk.

    Resource get task was added for receiving task status and url to result.

    Setting LUNA_VIDEO_AGENT_SETTINGS.max_active_tasks was added to adjust maximum parallel tasks count.

  4. [LUNA-7429] The notification_policy field was added to streams. The notification_policy allows to send notification on stream status changes using callbacks, which allows to send data to the third party system by specified url. Field is compatible with older agents, but in that case notifications won’t be sent. See create stream.

  5. [LUNA-7434] Added ability to start and stop streams by their group id. See patch streams in group.

  6. [LUNA-7434] Added ability to delete all streams of a group. See delete streams in group.

  7. [LUNA-7434] Added parameter with_streams to delete all streams alongside with the group. See delete group.

  8. [LUNA-7434] Added filter group_id to get all streams belonging to the specified group. See get streams.

Bugs fixed:

  1. [LUNA-7412] The videosdk resource can now be added to token resources permissions. See create token.


See a migration manual.