Luna services requirements

There are several requirements for luna-services for lambda work.

General requirement is Luna-Configurator service, see service configuration for details.

It is also required luna_lambda enabled in ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE setting.

There are several lambda types, including standalone lambda which does not require any other service by default, but lambdas of any other types can have more requirements, see requirements for specific lambda from lambda types for specific requirements.

S3 storage requirements

The luna-lambda service requires s3 bucket for storing archives with lambda.


It is not required to use amazon s3 service, the minio object storage also fits the requirements.

Read/write access is required for the specified bucket.


At present, there is no mechanism of s3 bucket garbage collection, but be careful removing lambdas data. The lambda update mechanism may use those data.

The s3 storage is determined by S3 setting of luna-lambda. See service configuration for configuration details.

Kubernetes cluster requirements

The luna-lambda service requires some access rights in kubernetes cluster whose provided by specified credentials.

Service provides a kubernetes mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster. This mechanism calls namespace.

Namespace has several restrictions:
  • Contain between 2 and 63 characters.

  • Contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters or -.

  • Start with an alphanumeric character.

  • End with an alphanumeric character.

  • Don’t start with kube- because it’s reserved kubernetes name.

For more information about namespace see kubernetes documentation.

By default service uses default namespace of kubernetes cluster, so it is required to grant creation/monitoring/deletion rights (including service/deployment/pod creation, deletion). It is recommended to ask kubernetes administrator to grant access for the above.

The simplest way to allow lambda creation and management is to execute next command for kubernetes:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding permissive-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=admin --user=kubelet --group=system:serviceaccounts


It is highly not recommended to use similar decisions in production. It is highly recommended that you negotiate with your Kubernetes cluster administrator and use the security policy for your Kubernetes cluster as required.


At present, there is no possibility to allow lambda to use mount directories or replicate to different nodes. These possibilities might be added in future releases.

Kubernetes cluster - GPU usage

It is possible to create lambda which can use GPU resources (by using enable_gpu from parameters section, see lambda creation request).

Lambdas supports only nvidia GPUs. For more information about GPU usage see kubernetes documentation.

If only one GPU is available but more needed, it is possible to enable GPU sharing, see NVIDIA GPU sharing for information.


The luna-lambda does not manage cluster resources (including) gpu allocation, it manages by kubernetes administrator.

Docker registry requirements

The luna-lambda service requires docker registry for lambda image storage. The registry must be specified using LAMBDA_REGISTRY, see configurator requirements for details.

Those registry also must contain base lambda images provided by VL:
  • image named lpa-lambda-base for all lambdas without Luna SDK support

  • image name lpa-lambda-base-fsdk for lambdas with Luna SDK support (for example)

If those registry is insecure registry, it is also required to add it to LAMBDA_INSECURE_REGISTRIES setting.

The registry storage is determined by LAMBDA_REGISTRY setting of luna-lambda. See service configuration for configuration details.

Lambda - base image requirements

The luna-lambda service creates each lambda based on one of two base docker images: lpa-lambda-base or lpa-lambda-base-fsdk, but there is a possibility to create custom base image for lambda.

The lpa-lambda-base image intended for most lambdas and provides basic functionality for lambda.

The lpa-lambda-base-fsdk image in addition to base image functionality provides functionality for FSDK usage by lambda.

The custom base lambda image is intended for complex lambdas for which not enough opportunities of lpa-lambda-base or lpa-lambda-base-fsdk base images (For example, multi-stage docker container building, including large libraries or data into docker container).

There are several requirements for custom base lambda image:

  • It must use lpa-lambda-base or lpa-lambda-base-fsdk as base image

  • It must not remove or modify any installed dependencies (python3, gcc and so on)

  • It must located at the same registry as other base lambda images

To use custom lambda base image it requires to specify it’s name and tag for lambda creation request or put lambda request.

Lambda - Archive requirements

Lambda creation is initiated by lambda creation request which is required archive which has the following requirements:

  • zip archive without a password

  • minimum required content is a file (see python code requirements for details)

  • it is possible to declare requirements that needs to be included to lambda docker image.

    You can add a requirements.txt to lambda archive.



    Or add pyproject.toml with build-system referencing poetry. Additionally you can add poetry.lock file to ensure package versions.

      requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
      build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
      name = "lambda_main"
      description = "Lambda example"
      version = "0.0.0"
      dependencies = [ "requests>=2.13.0" ]

    Note: make sure that `pyproject.toml` is valid against selected poetry version

    • build-system.requires section must be present and include poetry-core dependency in order to use poetry as dependency installer

    • If there is no pyproject.toml or no build-system section inside, then dependencies will be installed from requirements.txt (if present)

    • If both pyproject.toml (includes build-section) and requirements.txt are present in lambda, then pyproject.toml + poetry will be used.

    • If poetry.lock is present, all dependencies will be installed corresponding to it, otherwise dependencies will be resolved during installation. See poetry doc for more info.

    • If build-system.requires will refer to something besides poetry, validation error will be raised

  • It is possible to add additional directories to be used as static routes. They should be placed in the static directory in the root of the archive, and their names should contain only upper and lower case letters, numbers, and the characters -, _.

    Routes within the static directory are mapped directly to the corresponding paths of the lambda. The structure within the static directory is preserved, meaning that a file placed inside a subdirectory of static will be accessible under the same relative path from the lambda.

    This functionality is supported for all types of Lambda.

    See standalone lambda with static route example.

  • it is possible to add additional command to docker container building stage. See create lambda for api description.

    Keep in mind that lambda use CentOS 8 docker image as basic image while working with system dependencies.

    For example to use pillow library in lambda make the following steps:

    • add pillow to requirements.txt

    • add the following list of command to user_docker_commands (in lambda creation request)

      RUN dnf install -y epel-release
      RUN dnf install -y libjpeg-turbo-devel
    • perform all other standard actions to create lamdba


    It is not recommended to perform actions which are not required root access using root user.

    To switch between users, use USER root and USER luna commands.

    For more information about docker build commands see dockerfile reference


    It is not possible to perfectly validate additional user specified docker commands so use it on your own risk

  • it is possible to run several lambda process at the same times. See create lambda for api description.

    • add the count of lambda process to workers between 1 and 32 (in lambda creation request). By default its 1.

  • there are several files and folders whose addition to archive will take no effect, because these modules will be automatically replaced during lambda creation:

    (from the root archive folder)
  • you can add custom documentation to the zip archive with the lambda. It’s recommended to be used with standalone lambdas. Documentation must be placed in docs directory in HTML and YAML formats. Files must be named as lambda.yml and lambda.html. Both HTML and YAML files are required.

    (example zip structure)
     ├── docs
     │  ├── lambda.html
     │  └── lambda.yml

Lambda - General python code requirements

General requirements:

  • Python 3.12 or higher.

  • The luna-lambda-tools library is required for development. Available in VL pypi.

    Example of luna-lambda-tools installation using pip:

    pip install --trusted-host --extra-index-url luna-lambda-tools
  • The lambda entry point is the main function in file. It must:
    • represents an asynchronous function

    • takes one argument - request: StandaloneLambdaRequest (for standalone lambda) / request: HandlersLambdaRequest (for handlers lambda) (More information about lambda types and differences of handlers and others available at lambda types description.)

    • returns dictionary


    from luna_lambda_tools import StandaloneLambdaRequest
    async def main(request: StandaloneLambdaRequest) -> dict:
        result = request.json["data"]
        return {"result": result}

More possibilities described at lambda development