

  1. [LUNA-7412] The videosdk can now be started as background task by adjusting deferred_task property. See videosdk.

    Resource get task was added for receiving task status and url to result.

    Setting LUNA_VIDEO_AGENT_SETTINGS.max_active_tasks was added to adjust maximum parallel tasks count.

    Service now depends on redis service, in this regard new LUNA_VIDEO_AGENT_REDIS_DB_ADDRESS setting was added.

  2. [LUNA-7429] The notification_policy field was added to streams. The notification_policy allows to send notification on stream status changes using callbacks, which allows to send data to the third party system by specified url.

Bugs fixed:

  1. [LUNA-7424] Fixed the issue of incorrect actuation of analytics parameters rate when using server time as a timestamp source for stream processing.


See a migration manual.