Face Engine SDK 5.26.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NfsdkSDK namespace
 CDepthLivenessEstimationDepth estimator output structure
 CDepthRGBEstimationDepth+RBG liveness estimation output structure
 CDetectionDetection structure. @detail Stores a detected bounding box within a source image rect
 CErrorTraits< FSDKError >Specialized for FSDKError
 CErrorTraits< FutureError >Specialized for Future::Error
 CErrorTraits< IDescriptorBatch::Error >Specialized for DescriptorBatchError
 CErrorTraits< Image::Error >Specialized for Image::Error
 CErrorTraits< ISerializableObject::Error >Specialized for ISerializableObject::SerializationError
 CErrorTraits< ISettingsProvider::Error >Specialized for ISettingsProvider::ParseError
 CErrorTraits< MultiError< E0, E1 > >Specialized for MultiError
 CErrorTraits< PromiseError >Specialized for Promise::Error
 CEyeCropperEyeCropper is a helper structure for IEyeEstimator interface Methods of this structure crop an input warped image and returns rectangle coordinates of each eye
 CEyesEstimationEyes estimation output
 CEyeAttributesEyes attribute structure
 CFaceOcclusionEstimationFaceOcclusionEstimation structure. This structure is used to check for occlusions in various parts of the face (such as the lower face, nose, eyes, or forehead). It contains the result of FaceOcclusionState and FaceOcclusionType estimations for each image
 CFormatImage format
 CFunctionDetectionComparerSyntax sugar, allows you to use lambdas to define a BestDetection comparer
 CFutureFuture class to support asynchronous data retrieval Look into std::future semantics to understand it
 CGazeEstimationGaze estimation output
 CHeadPoseEstimationHead pose estimation output
 CIAGSEstimatorApproximate Garbage Score estimator interface
 CIArchiveArchive interface
 CIAsyncContextInterface for running tasks asynchronously
 CIBestShotQualityEstimatorBestShotQuality estimator interface
 CEstimationResultBestShotQualityEstimator output structure
 CIDataStorageObjectData storage object interface helper
 CIDepthLivenessEstimatorDepth estimator interface
 CIDescriptorDescriptor interface
 CIDescriptorBatchDescriptor batch interface
 CIDescriptorExtractorDescriptor extractor interface
 CIDescriptorMatcherDescriptor matcher interface
 CIDetectionBatchDetection result batch interface
 CIDetectionComparerInterface of BestDetection comparer. Implement it if you want to use own BestDetection strategy
 CIDetectorFace detector interface
 CIEyeEstimatorEye estimator interface
 CIFaceDetectionBatchFace detection result batch interface
 CIFaceEngineMobileRoot LUNA SDK object interface
 CIFaceEnginePosRoot LUNA SDK object interface
 CIFaceLandmarksBatchLandmarks result batch interface
 CIFaceOcclusionEstimatorFaceOcclusion estimator interface
 CIGazeEstimatorGaze estimator interface
 CIGlassesEstimatorGlasses estimator interface
 CIHeadPoseEstimatorHead pose angles estimator interface
 CIImagesBatchResult of ImageTransfer module
 CIImageTransferImage transfer facility which give speed up of usage internal memory pool
 CILicenseLicense objects interface
 CILivenessDepthRGBEstimatorDepth+RGB estimator interface
 CILivenessOneShotRGBEstimatorOneShot RGB Liveness estimator interface
 CIMedicalMaskEstimatorMedicalMask estimator interface
 CIMouthEstimatorMouth estimator interface
 CINIRLivenessEstimatorInfra red liveness estimator interface
 CIPointBatchPoints result batch interface
 CIQualityEstimatorImage quality estimator interface
 CIRefCountedBase strong reference counted object interface
 CISerializableObjectSerializable object interface
 CISettingsProviderSDK settings provider interface
 CDescConfiguration parameter description
 CEntryConfiguration parameter entry
 CKeyConfiguration parameter key
 CValueConfiguration parameter value
 CDataValue data
 CIWarperFace detection area warper interface
 CLandmarksFace landmarks template structure
 CLandmarks5IndexesEnumerates detected landmarks. Only valid for template with 5 landmarks
 CLaunchOptionsLaunchOptions struct configures inference options on per-estimator/detector basis, giving user fine grained control over cpu/gpu utilisation
 CLivenessOneShotRGBEstimationLiveness OneShotRGB estimation structure
 CMatchingResultResult of descriptor matching
 CMedicalMaskEstimationMedicalMask estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (
 CMedicalMaskEstimationExtendedMedicalMask estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (
 CMouthEstimationMouth estimator output structure. Stores flags that indicates which mouth feature is present. Multiple state flags may be set to true meaning that the final mouth state is a combination of those. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range
 CMouthEstimationExtendedExtended mouth estimator output structure. Stores flags that indicates which mouth feature is present. Multiple state flags may be set to true meaning that the final mouth state is a combination of those. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range
 CMultiErrorAn error structure designed for functions which can return errors from different enum classes
 CNIRLivenessEstimationNIR Liveness estimation structure. Each score in normalized [0, 1] range, state shows real person or not
 CNoncopyableHelper class to block copy operator&constructor of its descendants
 CPromisePromise class to support asynchronous data retrieval Look into std::promise semantics to understand it
 CQualityQuality estimation structure Each estimation is given in normalized [0, 1] range. Parameter meanings:
 CRefSmart pointer for reference counted objects
 CRefBaseGeneric base class of a pointer for reference counted objects
 CResultA structure that encapsulates an action result enumeration
 CResultValueAddon for Result to output some value aside the result. Specialization for copiable types
 CResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value >::type >
 CResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value==false >::type >Addon for Result to output some value aside the result. Specialization for non copiable types
 CSizerHelper entity to measure size of dynamic objects in memory
 CSmileTypeScoresScores of smile type. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. Scores in this struct sum up to 1.0. We use them to decide if person is smiling with teeth's exposed or not
 CSpanSpan. @detail Not owning data view. It incapsulated pointer to the continuous array with one or more T objects
 CSubImageSub Image
 CSubjectiveQualitySubjective Quality estimation structure Each estimation is given in normalized [0, 1] range. Parameter meanings:
 CTransformationTransformation data structure, used for warping
 CVector2Generic 2D vector