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System settings#

Parameter Description Type Default value
verboseLogging Level of log verbosity. 1 - Errors, 2 - Warnings, 3 - Info, 4 - Debug. "Value::Int1" 2

Note: Verbosity level sets the upper limit of what type of messages may be printed out by the Luna SDK. For example, if user set verboseLogging to 3, it means that Errors, Warnings and Info messages will be printed out to the console. Verbose level of 0 indicates that there are no logging messages printed out at all.


<section name="system">
    <param name="verboseLogging" type="Value::Int1" x="0" />

Descriptor factory settings#

Descriptor factory is a facility that creates descriptor extractors and matchers. Both of them utilize algorithms that require a number of coefficients ("weights") to operate properly.

Parameter Description Type Default value
model CNN face descriptor version. "Value::Int1" 54
Possible values: 54
useMobileNet MobileNet is faster but less accurate. Possible values: 0 - don't use mobile net version, 1 - use mobile net version. "Value::Int1" 0
distance Distance between descriptors on matching. L1 faster, L2 make better precision. Possible values: L1, L2. Note: model 54 supports just L2 distance. "Value::String" "L2"
descriptorCount WarningLevel Threshold, that limits the ratio of created descriptors to the amount, defined by your license. When the threshold is exceeded, FSDK prints the warning. "Value::Float1" 0.9


<section name="DescriptorFactory::Settings">
    <param name="model" type="Value::Int1" x="54" />
    <param name="useMobileNet" type="Value::Int1" x="0" />
    <param name="distance" type="Value::String" text="L2" />
    <param name="descriptorCountWarningLevel" type="Value::Float1" x="0.9" />

FaceDetV2 detector settings#

Parameter Description Type Default value
FirstThreshold 1-st threshold in [0..1] range. "Value::Float1" 0.6
SecondThreshold 2-nd threshold in [0..1] range. "Value::Float1" 0.7
ThirdThreshold 3-d threshold in [0..1] range. "Value::Float1" 0.6
minFaceSize Minimum face size in pixels. "Value::Int1" 50
scaleFactor Image scale factor. "Value::Float1" 0.7
paddings Extension of rectangle. Do not change. "Value::Float4" see below
redetectTolerance Redetection threshold "Value::Int1" 0
useLNet Whether to use LNet or not. "Value::Int" 1

"MinSize" and "scaleFactor" accelerate face detection at the cost of lower recall for smaller faces.


<section name="FaceDetV2::Settings">
        <param name="FirstThreshold" type="Value::Float1" x="0.51385"/>
        <param name="SecondThreshold" type="Value::Float1" x="0.248"/>
        <param name="ThirdThreshold" type="Value::Float1" x="0.76"/>
        <param name="minFaceSize" type="Value::Int1" x="50" />
        <param name="scaleFactor" type="Value::Float1" x="0.7" />
        <param name="paddings" type="Value::Float4" x="-0.20099958" y="0.10210337" z="0.20363552" w="0.08490226" />
        <param name="redetectTolerance" type="Value::Int1" x="0" />
        <param name="useLNet" type="Value::Int1" x="1" />


This group of parameters is non-public. Do not change any of the parameters.

HeadPoseEstimator settings#

In mobile mode HeadPose estimator is able to compute head pose angles in only one way using raw input image data. Default configuration settings enables estimation method by image.

Parameter Type Default value
useEstimationByImage "Value::Int1" 1
useEstimationByLandmarks "Value::Int1" 0


<section name="HeadPoseEstimator::Settings">
    <param name="useEstimationByImage" type="Value::Int1" x="1"/>
    <param name="useEstimationByLandmarks" type="Value::Int1" x="0"/>

BestShotQualityEstimator settings#

This estimator includes HeadPose and AGS estimators.

The "runSubestimatorsConcurrently" parameter determines whether the two estimators are working consequentially or in parallel upon calling.

Parameter Type Default value
runSubestimatorsConcurrently "Value::Int1" 0


<section name="BestShotQualityEstimator::Settings">
        <param name="runSubestimatorsConcurrently" type="Value::Int1" x="0"/>

EyeEstimator settings#

This estimator aims to determine:

  • Eye state: Open, Closed, Occluded;
  • Precise eye iris location as an array of landmarks;
  • Precise eyelid location as an array of landmarks.

To determine more exact eye state additional auxiliary model eye_status_estimation_flwr*.plan is used. You can enable this auxiliary model through config (faceengine.conf).

Parameter Description Type Default value
useStatusPlan 0 - Off, 1 - On "Value::Int1" 1


<section name="EyeEstimator::Settings">
    <param name="useStatusPlan" type="Value::Int1" x="1"/>
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