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TrackEngine config format is similar to FaceEngine's. See FaceEngine_Handbook.pdf for format details.

Logging section#

  • mode - logging mode. possible values:

    • l2c - log to console only
    • l2f - log to file
    • l2b - log to console and file. This is the default.
  • severity - logging severity level. 0 - write all information .. 2 - errors only. 1 by default.

Other section#

  • detector-step - Number of frames between full face detections. The lower the number is, the more likely TrackEngine is to detect a new face as soon as it appears. The higher the number, the higher the overall performance. It is used to balance between computation performance and face detection recall. 7 by default.
  • skip-frames - If there is no detection in estimated area, TrackEngine will wait this number of frames before considering the track lost and finishing it. 36 by default.
  • frg-subtractor - Whether to enable foreground subtractor or not. Foreground subtractor reduces the detection area by cutting out static background parts. While improving performance, this may reduce face detection recall in some cases. 1 by default.
  • frame-buffer-size - Size of the internal storage buffer for the input frames. Applied per stream. The bigger the buffer is, the more frames are preserved and less likely to be skipped, if detection performance is not high enough to keep up with the frame submission rate. However, increasing this value also increases RAM consumption dramatically. It is used to balance between resource utilization and face detection recall. 10 by default.
  • callback-buffer-size - the size of the internal storage buffer for all callbacks. The larger the buffer is, the higher performance is ensured. Otherwise, if the buffer becomes smaller, the behaviour becomes more like realtime appearance.

Config example#

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <section name="logging">
        <param name="mode" type="Value::String" text="l2b" />
        <param name="severity" type="Value::Int1" x="1" />

    <section name="other">
        <param name="detector-step" type="Value::Int1" x="7" />
        <param name="skip-frames" type="Value::Int1" x="36" />
        <param name="frg-subtractor" type="Value::Int1" x="1" />
        <param name="frame-buffer-size" type="Value:Int1" x="10" />
        <param name="callback-buffer-size" type="Value::Int1" x="300" />
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