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Liveness example#

What it does#

This example demonstrates how to capture videostream from web camera, using OpenCV, create LivenessEngine core object and Liveness tests, pass frames to ILiveness instances in order to retrieve result of the test.


This example assumes that you have already read the FaceEngine Handbook and LivenessEngine Handbook (or at least have them somewhere nearby for reference) and know some core concepts, like memory management, object ownership, and life-time control. This sample will not explain these aspects in detail.

This example requires installed OpenCV library with imgproc, highgui and videoio modules, for additional information refer to

Example walkthrough#

This example consists of the following stages:

Stage 0. Preparations#

Argument parsing, SDK initialization, testing sequence preparation, video capturing.

Stage 1. Main cycle#

This stage is implemented in while(process) cycle. At this stage we grab frame from video capture, convert it from BGR to RGB, wrap it into FaceEngine structures, pass Image to liveness instance and output picture and action calls to user via Video window and console.

        //Grab frame
        cap >> output;
            cv::Mat rgb;
            //Wrap frame into fsdk container
            Image img(rgb.cols, rgb.rows, fsdk::Format::R8G8B8,;
            ResultValue<LSDKError,bool> result = liveness->update(img);
                start = false;
                //Ask for an action
                std::clog << advices[i] << std::endl;
                //Save result
                success = success & result.getValue();
                process = false;
            //Output video
            cv::Mat mirror;
            cv::flip(output, mirror, 1);
            cv::namedWindow("Video", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
            cv::imshow("Video", mirror);
        } else process = false;

As the result we get flag whether or not liveness detection was successful. This cycle repeats N times (N is specified as program argument). Program result equals to Bitwise AND of every cycle iteration result. if result == true then liveness is successful, otherwise not.

How to run#

Use the following command to run the example.

./example_liveness <camera_number> <test_number>
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