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Depth liveness example#

What it does#

This example demonstrates depth liveness estimation using Intel RealSense cameras. It predicts whether a person in an image is real or fake. This example captures frames from colored(rgb8) and depth(r16) sensors, detects a face in the input image, and performs liveness estimation.

Expected output#

If liveness depth estimation predicted that a person in the image is alive, the bounding box is colored green. It is colored red otherwise.


This example assumes that you have already read the FaceEngine Handbook (or at least have it somewhere nearby for reference) and know some core concepts, like memory management, object ownership, and life-time control. This sample will not explain these aspects in detail.

Example walkthrough#

Example source code contains comments to help you understand what is going on.

How to run#

Use the following command to run the example.

./example_depth <absolute_path_to_luna_sdk_data_directory>
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