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Detection example#

What it does#

This example demonstrates how to use the detector to get a face bbox (bounding box) and landmarks.


This example assumes that you have already read the FaceEngine Handbook (or at least have it somewhere nearby for reference) and know some core concepts, like memory management, object ownership, and life-time control. This sample will not explain these aspects in detail.

Example walkthrough#

To get familiar with FSDK usage and common practices, please go through example_extraction first.

How to run#

Use the following command to run the example.

./example_detection <some_image.ppm>

Example output#

simpleDetect. bbox only result:
    x = 296.598
    y = 77.0892
    w = 145.655
    h = 206.526
    score = 0.999943

simpleDetect. bbox and Landmarks5 result:
    x = 296
    y = 77
    w = 145
    h = 206
    score = 0.999943
    x = 338.899 y = 157.901
    x = 407.017 y = 161.499
    x = 374.56 y = 199.138
    x = 341.442 y = 238.993
    x = 396.452 y = 242.443

simpleDetect. bbox, Landmarks5 and Landmarks68 result:
    x = 296
    y = 77
    w = 145
    h = 206
    score = 0.999943
    x = 341 y = 157
    x = 408 y = 160
    x = 377.1 y = 216.248
    x = 342.972 y = 237.357
    x = 396.948 y = 238.631
    x = 296.226 y = 154.527
    x = 296.786 y = 176.751
    x = 298.726 y = 198.489
    x = 301.404 y = 219.905
    x = 308.43 y = 241.047
    x = 319.536 y = 259.856
    x = 334.036 y = 275.579
    x = 351.577 y = 287.055
    x = 371.124 y = 289.996
    x = 388.04 y = 284.708
    x = 400.513 y = 271.055
    x = 411.994 y = 255.058
    x = 421.157 y = 237.496
    x = 427.666 y = 219.142
    x = 433.504 y = 200.254
    x = 437.435 y = 181.18
    x = 439.423 y = 161.023
    x = 306.067 y = 147.31
    x = 318.217 y = 133.185
    x = 336.968 y = 128.427
    x = 356.102 y = 130.611
    x = 372.956 y = 137.662
    x = 386.046 y = 139.238
    x = 400.82 y = 133.647
    x = 416.646 y = 133.024
    x = 430.68 y = 138.276
    x = 436.744 y = 150.804
    x = 378.511 y = 156.42
    x = 379.145 y = 171.631
    x = 379.889 y = 186.692
    x = 380.242 y = 202.458
    x = 360.399 y = 210.427
    x = 368.582 y = 213.492
    x = 377.1 y = 216.248
    x = 384.595 y = 214.076
    x = 391.243 y = 211.185
    x = 327.115 y = 156.714
    x = 336.181 y = 152.848
    x = 345.985 y = 153.112
    x = 354.717 y = 159.279
    x = 345.537 y = 160.245
    x = 335.503 y = 160.111
    x = 395.182 y = 161.174
    x = 404.413 y = 155.724
    x = 413.722 y = 156.424
    x = 420.032 y = 160.665
    x = 413.331 y = 163.648
    x = 403.925 y = 163.023
    x = 342.972 y = 237.357
    x = 356.428 y = 237.022
    x = 367.702 y = 236.126
    x = 374.406 y = 238.745
    x = 381.428 y = 236.774
    x = 389.371 y = 238.498
    x = 396.948 y = 238.631
    x = 388.453 y = 246.945
    x = 379.715 y = 250.657
    x = 372.491 y = 251.414
    x = 364.784 y = 250.295
    x = 354.543 y = 246.516
    x = 347.606 y = 238.363
    x = 366.75 y = 239.997
    x = 373.865 y = 241.541
    x = 380.56 y = 240.759
    x = 392.985 y = 239.555
    x = 379.898 y = 242.199
    x = 372.858 y = 243.308
    x = 365.794 y = 241.718

simpleRedetect. detect result:
    x = 296.598
    y = 77.0892
    w = 145.655
    h = 206.526
    score = 0.999943
simpleRedetect. redetect result:
    x = 293
    y = 96
    w = 150
    h = 192
    score = 0.99776
    x = 340 y = 158
    x = 407 y = 162
    x = 373.659 y = 216.406
    x = 341.528 y = 234.974
    x = 395.089 y = 237.747
    x = 298.137 y = 150.128
    x = 298.055 y = 171.151
    x = 299.717 y = 192.454
    x = 302.577 y = 214.068
    x = 308.745 y = 235.283
    x = 317.092 y = 254.842
    x = 328.641 y = 272.072
    x = 343.394 y = 286.197
    x = 363.29 y = 291.23
    x = 382.517 y = 288.372
    x = 397.777 y = 275.101
    x = 410.911 y = 258.241
    x = 421.019 y = 240.182
    x = 429.028 y = 220.902
    x = 434.677 y = 201.25
    x = 438.724 y = 182.13
    x = 440.777 y = 163.203
    x = 314.434 y = 142.784
    x = 323.061 y = 134.318
    x = 336.166 y = 131.351
    x = 350.011 y = 133.686
    x = 362.363 y = 138.718
    x = 390.543 y = 141.037
    x = 403.225 y = 137.271
    x = 416.249 y = 136.316
    x = 427.145 y = 140.556
    x = 432.458 y = 149.122
    x = 376.602 y = 157.122
    x = 376.577 y = 171.279
    x = 376.754 y = 185.021
    x = 376.752 y = 199.582
    x = 357.403 y = 209.623
    x = 364.947 y = 213.413
    x = 373.659 y = 216.406
    x = 381.697 y = 214.331
    x = 388.521 y = 210.804
    x = 326.251 y = 157.173
    x = 335.71 y = 152.831
    x = 345.414 y = 153.109
    x = 353.374 y = 159.724
    x = 344.507 y = 161.573
    x = 334.942 y = 161.155
    x = 394.179 y = 162.185
    x = 402.952 y = 156.821
    x = 412.325 y = 157.35
    x = 419.771 y = 162.669
    x = 411.891 y = 166.165
    x = 402.491 y = 165.492
    x = 341.528 y = 234.974
    x = 353.652 y = 234.773
    x = 364.368 y = 233.824
    x = 370.725 y = 236.465
    x = 377.429 y = 234.542
    x = 386.134 y = 236.597
    x = 395.089 y = 237.747
    x = 386.147 y = 246.528
    x = 376.973 y = 251.319
    x = 369.676 y = 252.347
    x = 361.574 y = 250.524
    x = 351.74 y = 245.043
    x = 343.893 y = 236.534
    x = 362.526 y = 239.565
    x = 370.169 y = 241.324
    x = 377.229 y = 240.421
    x = 392.548 y = 238.944
    x = 377.549 y = 241.843
    x = 369.759 y = 242.778
    x = 361.78 y = 241.34

spanExample. Detect results for 0 image:
    detected: 1 faces
    next face:
        x = 296
        y = 77
        w = 145
        h = 206
        score = 0.999943
spanExample. Detect results for 1 image:
    detected: 1 faces
    next face:
        x = 296
        y = 77
        w = 145
        h = 206
        score = 0.999943
spanExample. Redetect results for image[0]:
    next face:
        x = 293
        y = 96
        w = 150
        h = 192
        score = 0.99776
spanExample. Redetect results for image[1]:
    next face:
        x = 293
        y = 96
        w = 150
        h = 192
        score = 0.99776

creationExample. Detector instance with type: 4 was created successfully!
creationExample. bbox only result:
    x = 289
    y = 94
    w = 147
    h = 185
    score = 0.999999

creationExample. Detector instance with type: 5 was created successfully!
creationExample. bbox only result:
    x = 297
    y = 97
    w = 152
    h = 184
    score = 0.999986

creationExample. Detector instance with type: 6 was created successfully!
creationExample. bbox only result:
    x = 296.598
    y = 77.0892
    w = 145.655
    h = 206.526
    score = 0.999943

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