58 MemoryAllocationFailed,
66 virtual const char* getDefaultPath() const noexcept = 0;
72 virtual
void setDefaultPath(const
char* path) noexcept = 0;
80 virtual
Result<Error> load(const
char* path) noexcept = 0;
89 virtual
Result<Error> loadFromString(const
char* content) noexcept = 0;
96 virtual
bool save(const
char* path) const noexcept = 0;
102 virtual
void clear() noexcept = 0;
108 virtual
bool isEmpty() const noexcept = 0;
182 Value(
int x) noexcept;
189 Value(
int x,
int y) noexcept;
197 Value(
int x,
int y,
int z) noexcept;
206 Value(
int x,
int y,
int z,
int w) noexcept;
212 Value(
float x) noexcept;
219 Value(
float x,
float y) noexcept;
226 Value(
float x,
float y,
float z) noexcept;
235 Value(
float x,
float y,
float z,
float w) noexcept;
242 Value(const
string) noexcept;
248 Value(const
Rect& rect) noexcept;
254 Value(const
Size& size) noexcept;
260 Value(const
Point2f& point) noexcept;
266 Value(
bool x) noexcept;
272 operator
bool() const noexcept;
279 bool is(Type type) const noexcept;
286 bool setString(const
string) noexcept;
294 bool getString(
string) const noexcept;
301 void setRect(const
Rect& rect) noexcept;
310 bool getRect(
Rect* rect) const noexcept;
317 void setSize(const
Size& size) noexcept;
326 bool getSize(
Size* size) const noexcept;
333 void setPoint2i(const
Point2i& point) noexcept;
342 bool getPoint2i(
Point2i* point) const noexcept;
349 void setPoint2f(const
Point2f& point) noexcept;
358 bool getPoint2f(
Point2f* point) const noexcept;
364 void setBool(
bool x) noexcept;
373 bool getBool(
bool* x) const noexcept;
380 void setInt(
int x) noexcept;
388 bool getInt(
int* x) const noexcept;
396 void setInt(
int x,
int y) noexcept;
406 bool getInt(
int* x,
int* y) const noexcept;
415 void setInt(
int x,
int y,
int z) noexcept;
426 bool getInt(
int* x,
int* y,
int* z) const noexcept;
436 void setInt(
int x,
int y,
int z,
int w) noexcept;
448 bool getInt(
int* x,
int* y,
int* z,
int* w) const noexcept;
455 void setFloat(
float x) noexcept;
463 bool getFloat(
float* x) const noexcept;
471 void setFloat(
float x,
float y) noexcept;
481 bool getFloat(
float* x,
float* y) const noexcept;
490 void setFloat(
float x,
float y,
float z) noexcept;
501 bool getFloat(
float* x,
float* y,
float* z) const noexcept;
511 void setFloat(
float x,
float y,
float z,
float w) noexcept;
523 bool getFloat(
float* x,
float* y,
float* z,
float* w) const noexcept;
532 float asFloat(
float defaultValue = 0.f) const noexcept;
552 bool asBool(
bool defaultValue = false) const noexcept;
561 int asInt(
int defaultValue = 0) const noexcept;
571 Size asSize(const
Size& defaultValue =
Size()) const noexcept;
591 Rect asRect(const
Rect& defaultValue =
Rect()) const noexcept;
601 const
char* asString(const
char* defaultValue = "") const noexcept;
603 inline Value(const Value& other) = delete;
604 Value(Value&& other);
606 inline Value& operator=(const Value& other) = delete;
607 Value& operator=(Value&& other);
609 void swap(Value& first, Value& second);
625 Key(
const char* section,
const char* parameter) noexcept;
631 const char* getSection()
const noexcept;
637 const char* getParameter()
const noexcept;
643 void setSection(
const char* section) noexcept;
649 void setParameter(
const char* parameter) noexcept;
659 static const unsigned int m_bufferLength = 128;
660 char m_section[m_bufferLength];
661 char m_parameter[m_bufferLength];
674 Desc(
const char* desc) noexcept;
680 const char* getDesc()
const noexcept;
686 void setDesc(
const char* desc) noexcept;
689 static const unsigned int m_bufferLength = 256;
690 char m_desc[m_bufferLength];
700 Entry() noexcept = default;
712 Entry(const
Desc& desc, Value&& value) noexcept;
718 void setDesc(const
Desc& desc) noexcept;
724 void setValue(Value&& value) noexcept;
730 const
Desc& getDesc() const noexcept;
736 const Value& getValue() const noexcept;
746 virtual
void setDesc(const
Key& key, const
Desc& desc) noexcept = 0;
756 void setDesc(const
char* section, const
char* parameter, const
Desc& desc) noexcept;
765 virtual
void setValue(const
Key& key, Value&& value) noexcept = 0;
775 void setValue(const
char* section, const
char* parameter, Value&& value) noexcept;
784 virtual
void setEntry(const
Key& key,
Entry&& entry) noexcept = 0;
794 void setEntry(const
Key& key, const
Desc& desc, Value&& value) noexcept;
805 void setEntry(const
char* section, const
char* parameter, const
Desc& desc, Value&& value) noexcept;
814 virtual const
Entry& getEntry(const
Key& key) const noexcept = 0;
823 Desc getDesc(const
Key& key) const noexcept;
833 Desc getDesc(const
char* section, const
char* parameter) const noexcept;
842 const Value& getValue(const
Key& key) const noexcept;
852 const Value& getValue(const
char* section, const
char* parameter) const noexcept;
887 return "Could not allocate memory";
889 return "Error reading from file";
891 return "Internal error";
893 return "Error during document declaration/processing instruction parsing";
895 return "Parser could not determine tag type";
897 return "Error during CDATA section parsing";
899 return "File was not found";
901 return "Error during PCDATA section parsing";
903 return "Error during comment parsing";
905 return "Error during document type declaration parsing";
907 return "Settings sections is invalid or absent";
909 return "Error during element attribute parsing";
911 return "Error during end element tag parsing";
913 return "Root type is not node_element or node_document";
915 return "Document without element nodes";
917 return "Mismatch of start-end tags";
919 return "Error during start element tag parsing";
921 return "Unknown error";
Could not allocate memory.
2D floating point.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:166
floating point.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:165
Config parsing error codes.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:37
3D floating point.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:167
#define FSDK_API
Definition: Def.h:27
Smart ptr declaration helper macro.
Definition: Def.h:56
(exclusive to xml_node::append_buffer)
A structure that encapsulates an action result enumeration.
Definition: Result.h:27
Common data types and structures.
Configuration parameter key.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:615
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:123
Object system types and interfaces.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:131
Parser could not determine tag type.
4D floating point.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:168
Value type.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:159
Desc m_desc
Parameter description.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:697
Base strong reference counted object interface.
Definition: IRefCounted.h:37
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:147
Value data.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:118
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:139
tag was not closed or there was an excessive closing tag)
Parsing error occurred while parsing document declaration/processing instruction. ...
Parsing error occurred while parsing document type declaration.
Parsing error occurred while parsing comment.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:119
Configuration parameter description.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:665
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:127
FSDK_API ResultValue< FSDKError, ISettingsProviderPtr > createSettingsProviderFromString(const char *content) noexcept
Creates a settings provider from the xml-formatted string.
bool operator<(Version lhs, Version rhs) noexcept
Check if one version is less than another.
Definition: Version.h:36
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:161
File was not found during load_file()
Addon for Result to output some value aside the result. Specialization for copiable types...
Definition: ResultValue.h:21
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:143
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:135
4D integer.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:164
Parsing resulted in a document without element nodes.
Parsing error occurred while parsing end element tag.
Settings section is invalid or absent.
2D integer.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:162
Parsing error occurred while parsing PCDATA section.
Configuration parameter entry.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:694
Common SDK error codes.
Definition: FSDKError.h:17
Configuration parameter value.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:113
Parsing error occurred while parsing start element tag.
Error reading from file/stream.
FSDK_API ResultValue< FSDKError, ISettingsProviderPtr > createSettingsProvider(const char *path) noexcept
Create a settings provider.
3D integer.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:163
Value m_value
Parameter value.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:696
Unkown value type.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:160
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:151
Parsing error occurred while parsing element attribute.
Parsing error occurred while parsing CDATA section.
SDK settings provider interface.
Definition: ISettingsProvider.h:32