Face Engine SDK  5.17.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
fsdk::IDetector Member List
This is the complete list of members for fsdk::IDetector, including all inherited members.
detect(Span< const Image > images, Span< const Rect > ROIs, uint32_t perImageNum, DetectionType type=DT_BBOX) noexcept=0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
detectAsync(Span< const Image > images, Span< const Rect > rectangles, uint32_t perImageNum, DetectionType type=DT_BBOX) const =0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
detectOne(const Image &image, const Rect &rect, DetectionType type=DT_BBOX) noexcept=0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
getRefCount() const noexcept=0fsdk::IRefCounted [pure virtual]
getWeakRefCount() const noexcept=0fsdk::IRefCounted [pure virtual]
redetect(Span< const Image > images, Ref< IFaceDetectionBatch > detectionBatch, DetectionType type=DT_BBOX) noexcept=0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
redetect(Span< const Image > images, Span< Span< const Detection >> detections, DetectionType type=DT_BBOX) noexcept=0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
redetectAsync(Span< const Image > images, IFaceDetectionBatchPtr detectionBatch, DetectionType type=DT_BBOX) const =0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
redetectOne(const Image &image, const Detection &detection, DetectionType type=DT_BBOX) noexcept=0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
release() noexcept=0fsdk::IRefCounted [pure virtual]
releaseWeak() noexcept=0fsdk::IRefCounted [pure virtual]
retain() noexcept=0fsdk::IRefCounted [pure virtual]
retainLocked() noexcept=0fsdk::IRefCounted [pure virtual]
retainWeak() noexcept=0fsdk::IRefCounted [pure virtual]
setCustomDetectionComparer(const IDetectionComparer *comparer) noexcept=0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
setDetectionComparer(DetectionComparerType comparerType) noexcept=0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
validate(Span< const Image > images, Span< Span< const Detection >> detections, Span< Span< Result< FSDKError >>> errors) const noexcept=0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
validate(Span< const Image > images, Span< const Rect > rects, uint32_t detectionPerImageNum, Span< Result< FSDKError >> outErrors) const noexcept=0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
validate(Span< const Image > images, Ref< IFaceDetectionBatch > detectionBatch, Span< Result< FSDKError >> outErrors) const noexcept=0fsdk::IDetector [pure virtual]
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