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Editions and Platforms#

FaceEngine supports multiple platforms. Supported software and hardware platforms differ depending on editions.

This section includes information about features available for different platforms.

MacOS differences{-}#

There are two MacOS distributions available depending on the utilized device:

  • x86-64 CPU
  • ARM

MacOS distributions have the following differences from the server distribution:

  • Python bindings are not supported.

  • GPU computing is not supported. All the information about GPU utilization given in this handbook should be skipped.

  • Person reidentification is supported only on x86-64 systems. All the sections about human descriptor extraction and utilization should be skipped when distribution for ARM is used.

Some known problems with code signing are described in "Appendix D. Known issues" in the "MacOS known issues" section.


Descriptor indexing is supported only for server platforms: Ubuntu, CentOS, Windows, MacOS.