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Licensed features#

To work with license features in code the LicenseFeature enum should be used (see file ILicense.h). Some features are not available for some platforms.

Descriptor license feature enables you to create a maximum of 100000 descriptors on server platforms.

Full list of available features and their associated estimators:

  • Detection - enables you to to find person face in a frame.

    Available instances:

    • IDetector
    • IOrientationEstimator
  • BestShot - enables you to select bestshot from the provided images.

    Available instances:

    • IBestShotQualityEstimator
    • IQualityEstimator
    • IAGSEstimator
    • IHeadPoseEstimator
  • Attributes - enables you to create estimate basic attributes.

    Available instances:

    • IAttributeEstimator
    • ICredibilityCheckEstimator
  • Emotions - enables you to estimate emotions.

    Available instances:

    • IEmotionsEstimator
    • IMouthEstimator
  • FaceFeatures - enables you to estimate face features.

    Available instances:

    • IGlassesEstimator
    • IEyeEstimator
    • IGazeEstimator
    • IOverlapEstimator
  • Liveness - enables you to use Liveness features.

    Available instances:

    • ILivenessRGBMEstimator
    • ILivenessDepthEstimator
    • ILivenessIREstimator
    • IHeadPoseAndShouldersLivenessEstimator
    • ILivenessFlyingFacesEstimator
  • Descriptor - enables you to work with descriptors.

    Available instances:

    • IDescriptor
    • IDescriptorBatch
    • IDescriptorExtractor
    • IDescriptorMatcher
  • DescriptorIndex - enables you to create descriptors index.

    Available instances:

    • IIndexBuilder
    • IDenseIndex
    • IDynamicIndex
  • HumanDetection - enables you to perform human bodies detection.

    Available instances:

    • IHumanDetector
  • LivenessEngine - enables you to check if there is a real person or not in a video. See "LivenessEngine_Handbook.pdf" for details.

    Available instances:

    • ILivenessEngine
  • TrackEngine - enables you to track a person in a video. See "TrackEngine_Handbook.pdf" for details.

    Available instances:

    • ITrackEngine
  • PPEDetection - enables you to predicts wether a person is wearing one or multiple types of protection equipment.

    Available instances:

    • IPPEEstimator
    • IHeadWearEstimator
  • MobileLiveness - enables you to predict whether the person's face is real or fake (photo, printed image).

    Available instances:

    • ILivenessOneShotRGBEstimator
  • MedicalMaskDetection - enables you to detect a medical face mask on the face in the source image.

    Available instances:

    • IMedicalMaskEstimator
  • ReIdDescriptor - enables you to work with human descriptors (ReID).

    Available instances:

    • IDescriptor (with ReID versions)
    • IDescriptorBatch (with ReID versions)
    • IDescriptorExtractor (with ReID versions)
    • IDescriptorMatcher (with ReID versions)
    • ICrowdEstimator
    • IHumanFaceDetector
    • IHumanAttributeEstimator
  • ISOCheck - enables you to work with ISO check estimators:

    Available instances:

    • IBackgroundEstimator
    • IBlackWhiteEstimator
    • IEyeBrowEstimator
    • IFishEyeEstimator
    • INaturalLightEstimator
    • IPortraitStyleEstimator
    • IDynamicRangeEstimator
    • IRedEyeEstimator
  • DepthRGBLiveness - enables you to work with LivenessDepthRGBEstimator:

    Available instances:

    • ILivenessDepthRGBEstimator
  • DepthLiveness - enables you to work with DepthLivenessEstimator:

    Available instances:

    • IDepthLivenessEstimator
  • FightsEstimation - enables you to work with FightsEstimator:

    Available instances:

    • IFightsEstimator
  • BodyAttributes - enables you to make a human body attributes estimation Available instances:

    • IHumanAttributeEstimatorPtr
  • NIRLiveness - enables you to make a NIR Liveness estimation Available instances:

    • INIRLivenessEstimator
  • DepthLiveness - enables you to make a Depth Liveness estimation Available instances:

    • IDepthLivenessEstimator

If the license for the selected feature is invalid, the factory instantiation method will return result with error code and empty object.

See FeatureMap.htm for additional information about these features.

For example, method: IFaceEngine::createAGSEstimator will return ResultValue with FSDKError::LicenseError empty IAGSEstimatorPtr object in case if LicenseFeature::BestShot in not available.