Face Engine SDK  5.8.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
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1 #pragma once
3 #include <fsdk/Types/Rect.h>
5 namespace fsdk {
10  struct Detection {
14  Detection() noexcept
15  : m_rect{}
16  , m_w{0}, m_h{0}
17  , m_score{0.0f}
18  {}
27  Detection(FloatRect rect, float score = 1.f) noexcept
28  : m_rect{rect}
29  , m_w{static_cast<int>(rect.x + rect.width)}
30  , m_h{static_cast<int>(rect.y + rect.height)}
31  , m_score{score}
32  {}
41  Detection(FloatRect rect, int width, int height, float score = 1.f) noexcept
42  : m_rect{rect}
43  , m_w{width}, m_h{height}
44  , m_score{score}
45  {}
52  Detection(FloatRect rect, Rect imageRect, float score = 1.f) noexcept
53  : m_rect{rect}
54  , m_w{imageRect.x + imageRect.width}, m_h{imageRect.y + imageRect.height}
55  , m_score{score}
56  {}
58  Detection(const Detection& rhs) noexcept
59  : m_rect{rhs.m_rect}
60  , m_w{rhs.m_w}
61  , m_h{rhs.m_h}
62  , m_score{rhs.m_score}
63  {}
65  Detection& operator=(const Detection& rhs) noexcept {
66  m_rect = rhs.m_rect;
67  m_w = rhs.m_w;
68  m_h = rhs.m_h;
69  m_score = rhs.m_score;
70  return *this;
71  }
77  Rect getRect() const noexcept {
78  return m_rect & fsdk::Rect{0, 0, m_w, m_h};
79  }
85  FloatRect getRawRect() const noexcept {
86  return m_rect;
87  }
94  void setRawRect(fsdk::FloatRect rect) noexcept {
95  m_rect = rect;
96  }
98  float getScore() const noexcept {
99  return m_score;
100  }
107  void setScore(float score) noexcept {
108  m_score = score;
109  }
116  bool isValid() const noexcept {
117  return m_rect.isValid() && m_score && m_w && m_h;
118  }
119  private:
120  FloatRect m_rect; // Detection rect
121  int m_w, m_h; // Bounding width and height of the source image
122  float m_score; // Detection score
123  };
124 }
FloatRect getRawRect() const noexcept
Returns a raw detection bounding box.
Definition: Detection.h:85
void setScore(float score) noexcept
Sets a detection score.
Definition: Detection.h:107
bool isValid() const noexcept
Checks whether a detection is valid.
Definition: Detection.h:116
Detection(FloatRect rect, float score=1.f) noexcept
Special constructor based on raw rect and score only.
Definition: Detection.h:27
bool isValid() const noexcept
Checks whether a rect is valid.
Definition: Rect.h:366
Detection() noexcept
Default constructor. Creates an invalid Detection with zeroed rect and score.
Definition: Detection.h:14
Detection(FloatRect rect, int width, int height, float score=1.f) noexcept
Constructor base on the raw rect, bounding width and height.
Definition: Detection.h:41
Detection(FloatRect rect, Rect imageRect, float score=1.f) noexcept
Constructor base on the raw rect, bounding width and height.
Definition: Detection.h:52
void setRawRect(fsdk::FloatRect rect) noexcept
Sets a detection rect.
Definition: Detection.h:94
Detection structure. Stores a detected bounding box within a source image rect.
Definition: Detection.h:10
Rect getRect() const noexcept
Returns a detection rect.
Definition: Detection.h:77