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FaceStream v.5.2.3#


  • A new parameter "fps_floor" has been added to the FaceStream settings, which is intended to control the number of analyzed frames in the video stream, allowing for reduced system load by skipping some frames. This can be useful when it is necessary to lower computational resource requirements while maintaining acceptable analysis accuracy.

    The number of skipped frames is calculated as the difference between the video stream's frame rate and the "fps_floor" value. Skipped frames are evenly distributed over each second.

    If the "fps_floor" value is zero or negative, FaceStream will ignore the setting, and the number of processed frames will remain unchanged.

    For example, with "fps_floor" set to 15 for a video stream with a frame rate of 25 fps, FaceStream will skip 10 frames per second (25 - 15). These 10 frames will be evenly distributed over time to maintain video playback integrity and avoid sudden jumps.

  • The request to the "/version" resource in FaceStream now returns the FSDK version in use.