Luna Config
Class which describes operating parameters of the best shot.
LunaConfig companion object.
If we accept faces with closed eyes as bestshot candidates true - face on bestshot could have both eyes closed false - bestshot guaranteed to have both eyes opened
When true: no checks for occluded faces will be performed and face with occluded mouth can make it into bestshot candidates
The best shot will be taken only if both eyes are open or one eye is occluded
When true: Faces with one eye will make it into bestshot candidates
Time interval between take best shots for liveness.
Number of the best shots that need to be collected for liveness.
Check security.
Minimal detect frame size.
The count of frames between frames with full detection, 0 .. 30.
Liveness similarity threshold.
Delay between face found and bestshot search start.
list of checks for glasses
Delay between interactions
Quality of the image sent to liveness. The value 0 represents the maximum compression.
Liveness quality.
Liveness type.
Minimum detections count to consider track as real face.
When true: The FinishSuccessData object will return a list of best shots, the size of which is determined by the parameter bestShotsCount
Liveness error timeout.
If there is no detection in estimated area, waiting this number of frames and stop the track 0 .. 50.
Security feature. If set to true, the flow will be performed on the primary face only.