fun create(detectorStep: Int = DEFAULT_DETECTOR_STEP, skipFrames: Int = DEFAULT_SKIP_FRAMES, minimalTrackLength: Int = DEFAULT_MINIMAL_TRACK_LENGTH, bestShotsCount: Int = DEFAULT_BEST_SHOTS_COUNT, borderDistance: Int = DEFAULT_BORDER_DISTANCE, detectFrameSize: Int = DEFAULT_MIN_DETECT_FRAME_SIZE, bestShotInterval: Long = DEFAULT_BEST_SHOTS_INTERVAL, headPitch: Float = DEFAULT_HEAD_PITCH, headYaw: Float = DEFAULT_HEAD_YAW, headRoll: Float = DEFAULT_HEAD_ROLL, ags: Float = DEFAULT_AGS, livenessErrorTimeout: Int = DEFAULT_LIVENESS_ERROR_TIMEOUT): LunaConfig
Create config with given parameters and validate it.
detector Step
The count of frames between frames with full detection.
skip Frames
If there is no detection in estimated area, waiting this number of frames and stop the track.
minimal Track Length
Minimum detections count to consider track as real face.
best Shots Count
Number of the best shots that need to be collected for liveness.
border Distance
Minimal distance between face and image borders.
best Shot Interval
Time interval between take best shots for liveness.
compression Quality
Quality of the image sent to liveness. The value 0 represents the maximum compression.
head Pitch
Head pitch threshold in degrees.
head Yaw
Head yaw threshold in degrees.
head Roll
Head roll threshold in degrees.
AGS threshold.
liveness Type
Liveness type.
similarity Threshold
Liveness similarity threshold.
liveness Quality
Liveness quality.
ocr Enabled
Ocr enabled.