
data class LunaCoreConfig(val compressionQuality: Int = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_QUALITY, val similarityThreshold: Float = DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD, val livenessQuality: Float = DEFAULT_LIVENESS_QUALITY, val areDescriptorsEnabled: Boolean = DEFAULT_ARE_DESCRIPTORS_AVAILABLE) : Parcelable


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constructor(compressionQuality: Int = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_QUALITY, similarityThreshold: Float = DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD, livenessQuality: Float = DEFAULT_LIVENESS_QUALITY, areDescriptorsEnabled: Boolean = DEFAULT_ARE_DESCRIPTORS_AVAILABLE)


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object Companion


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enable only if you provided respected cnn* files (removed from ignoreAssetsPatterns)

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Quality of the image sent to liveness. The value 0 represents the maximum compression.

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Liveness quality.

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Liveness similarity threshold.


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)