Streams downgrade

The streams processing implies receiving feedback for each stream with status in_progress (stream statuses description).

The Luna-Video-Manager periodically checks the last streams feedbacks receiving time and in case of feedback is not received in required time, the stream status will be changed to restart (that means an attempt to restart stream processing) and immediately to pending status to put stream in waiting line (see streams distribution for details).

The check of conditions that must execute stream downgrade executed as periodical background task of master instance. The period of execution can be configured using LUNA_VIDEO_MANAGER_STREAM_STATUS_OBSOLETING_INTERVAL setting. Streams will considered as outdated if last feedback time was not received in time, which can be configured using LUNA_VIDEO_MANAGER_STREAM_STATUS_OBSOLETING_PERIOD setting. It is highly not recommended to change these values without understanding of consequences.

Agents downgrade

The agents interaction assumes periodic requests to Luna-Video-Manager (see agent interaction chapter for details).

The Luna-Video-Manager periodically checks the last agent get streams for processing request time and if it was too late, set agent status as not_ready, which means agent will be excluded from streams distribution line.

If such agent will make get streams for processing request later, it’s status will be updated to ready and agent will be added to list of agents that can process streams (such behavior is needed to process possible network issues).

The check of conditions that must execute agent status downgrade executed as periodical background task of master instance. The period of execution can be configured using LUNA_VIDEO_MANAGER_AGENT_STATUS_OBSOLETING_INTERVAL setting. Agents will considered as not_ready if last request from agent was not received in time, which can be configured using LUNA_VIDEO_MANAGER_AGENT_STATUS_OBSOLETING_PERIOD setting. It is highly not recommended to change these values without understanding of consequences.