Streams statuses¶
During the processing, the stream can go through the following statuses:
pending - stream is waiting for processing
stream has pending status after creation, recreation and while autorestart is in progress
in_progress - stream processing is in progress
stream has in_progress status only while stream processing is in progress
done - stream processing is completed
stream has done status when stream processing ends (stream ends or videofile completely proceed)
restart - stream processing is restarted by server
stream has restart status if autorestart is enabled and restart is in progress (see autorestart chapter for details)
failure - stream processing is failed
stream has failure if agent sends feedback with such status
stop - stream processing is stopped by user
stream has stop status if stream processing was stopped by user
Stream lifecycle¶
The stream general lifecycle is presented here:
stream creation by making stream creation request
stream status is pending
the Luna-Video-Agent finding an agent which can execute required analytics
stream processing starts
stream status is in_progress
optional: stop/resume stream processing:
stop stream processing by making stream patch request
stream status is stop
resume stream processing by making stream patch request
stream status is pending
the Luna-Video-Agent finding an agent which can execute required analytics and
stream status is in_progress
processing ends
stream ends: agent stops processing and sends feedback to Luna-Video-Manager with done status
stream status is done
stream removed by making stream deletion request
stream no more exist
processing ends because fatal error occurred (agent sent corresponding feedback)
stream status is failure
While stream status is in_progress, agent will periodically send feedback to Luna-Video-Manager and execute callbacks.
Streams autorestart¶
The possibility of autorestart is actual for streams with failure status. Parameters (possibility, maximum number of restart attempts, delay between attempts) are specified by the user for each stream in autorestart section (see create stream request description). The parameters and autorestart status can be received using get stream request.
stream won’t be autorestarted after a fatal error. This includes file not found error, invalid rectangle, validation error.
Stream autorestart statuses¶
disabled - stream autorestart is disabled by user (restart parameter in autorestart section in stream creation request)
enabled - stream autorestart is enabled, but not active at the moment (stream is not in failure status)
in_progress - autorestart in progress
failed - the allowed number of auto-restart attempts have been made, but did not lead to success
stream autorestart status list may be expanded in the future
The possibility of autorestart is actual for streams with failure status.
Stream autorestart process¶
Here and below are described only streams with enabled autorestart. Described actions will be executed as periodical background task of master instance, period of execution can be configured using LUNA_VIDEO_MANAGER_STREAMS_AUTORESTARTER_INTERVAL setting. It is highly not recommended to change this value without understanding of consequences.
Each stream restart attempt will automatically change:
stream status to restart and then to pending
stream autorestart current_attempt will be increased by 1
last_attempt_time will be actualized
The following conditions will trigger a stream restart:
stream status is failure
stream autorestart status is enabled
stream autorestart current_attempt is null or current_attempt is less than attempt_count
stream autorestart last_attempt_time is null or difference between the current time and last_attempt_time is greater than or equal to stream autorestart delay
The following conditions will trigger a stream autorestart failure:
(this cause no more automatically attempts to restart stream)
stream status is failure
stream autorestart status is in_progress
stream autorestart current_attempt is equals to attempt_count
The following conditions will trigger a stream autorestart complete:
(this cause stream autorestart status change to enabled and reset stream autorestart current_attempt and last_attempt_time)
stream status is not equals failure status
stream autorestart status is in_progress
stream autorestart last_attempt_time is null or difference between the current time and last_attempt_time is greater than or equal to stream autorestart delay