Face Engine SDK  5.26.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
fsdk::Span< T > Class Template Reference

Span. Not owning data view. It incapsulated pointer to the continuous array with one or more T objects. More...

#include <Span.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Span (Span const &)
Spanoperator= (Span const &)
 Span (T *data, std::size_t size)
 Constructor by pointer and size.
template<class ContiguousContainer >
 Span (ContiguousContainer &&container)
 Constructor by contiguous container.
template<class ContiguousContainer >
Spanoperator= (ContiguousContainer &&container)
 Assignment operator with contiguous container.
reference operator[] (std::size_t index)
 Square brackets operator for convenient acces to underlying array; param index Array index.
const_reference operator[] (std::size_t index) const
 Non-modifying square brackets operator for convenient acces to underlying array; param index Array index.
bool empty () const
 Returns `true` if the span is empty.
pointer data () const
 Returns a pointer to the beginning of the span.
std::size_t size () const
 Returns the number of elements in the span.
std::size_t getSize () const
 Returns the number of elements in the span.
void setSize (std::size_t size)
 Sets the number of elements in the span. Because the span is not owning, this method will no construct or destroy element. This method will not allocate or free memory.
iterator begin ()
 Returns an iterator to the beginning of the span.
const_iterator begin () const
 Returns an const iterator to the beginning of the span.
const_iterator cbegin () const
 Returns an iterator to the beginning of the span.
iterator end ()
 Returns an iterator to one past the end of the span.
const_iterator end () const
 Returns an const iterator to one past the end of the span.
const_iterator cend () const
 Returns an const iterator to one past the end of the span.

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class fsdk::Span< T >

Span. Not owning data view. It incapsulated pointer to the continuous array with one or more T objects.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
fsdk::Span< T >::Span ( T *  data,
std::size_t  size 
) [inline]

Constructor by pointer and size.

dataA pointer to the beginning of the range of elements
sizeThe number of elements pointed to by `data`
template<class T>
template<class ContiguousContainer >
fsdk::Span< T >::Span ( ContiguousContainer &&  container) [inline]

Constructor by contiguous container.

containerThe container to construct from

Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
template<class ContiguousContainer >
Span& fsdk::Span< T >::operator= ( ContiguousContainer &&  container) [inline]

Assignment operator with contiguous container.

containerThe container to assign from

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