Face Engine SDK  5.17.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.

Estimators public interfaces and related types and structures. More...


struct  fsdk::IAGSEstimator
 Approximate Garbage Score estimator interface. More...
struct  fsdk::IBestShotQualityEstimator
 BestShotQuality estimator interface. More...
struct  fsdk::EyesEstimation
 Eyes estimation output. More...
struct  fsdk::EyeCropper
 EyeCropper is a helper structure for IEyeEstimator interface Methods of this structure crop an input warped image and returns rectangle coordinates of each eye. More...
struct  fsdk::IEyeEstimator
 Eye estimator interface. More...
struct  fsdk::IGlassesEstimator
 Glasses estimator interface. More...
struct  fsdk::HeadPoseEstimation
 Head pose estimation output. More...
struct  fsdk::IHeadPoseEstimator
 Head pose angles estimator interface. More...
struct  fsdk::DepthRGBEstimation
 Depth+RBG liveness estimation output structure. More...
struct  fsdk::ILivenessDepthRGBEstimator
 Depth+RGB estimator interface. More...
struct  fsdk::LivenessOneShotRGBEstimation
 Liveness OneShotRGB estimation structure. More...
struct  fsdk::ILivenessOneShotRGBEstimator
 OneShot RGB Liveness estimator interface. More...
struct  fsdk::MedicalMaskEstimation
 MedicalMask estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct  fsdk::MedicalMaskEstimationExtended
 MedicalMask estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct  fsdk::IMedicalMaskEstimator
 MedicalMask estimator interface. More...
struct  fsdk::NIRLivenessEstimation
 NIR Liveness estimation structure. Each score in normalized [0, 1] range, state shows real person or not. More...
struct  fsdk::INIRLivenessEstimator
 Infra red liveness estimator interface. More...
struct  fsdk::Quality
 Quality estimation structure Each estimation is given in normalized [0, 1] range. Parameter meanings: More...
struct  fsdk::SubjectiveQuality
 Subjective Quality estimation structure Each estimation is given in normalized [0, 1] range. Parameter meanings: More...
struct  fsdk::IQualityEstimator
 Image quality estimator interface. More...


enum  fsdk::GlassesEstimation { fsdk::NoGlasses, fsdk::EyeGlasses, fsdk::SunGlasses, fsdk::EstimationError }
 Glasses estimation enum. More...
enum  fsdk::MedicalMask { fsdk::Mask = 0, fsdk::NoMask, fsdk::OccludedFace }
 MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum  fsdk::MedicalMaskExtended { fsdk::Mask = 0, fsdk::NoMask, fsdk::MaskNotInPlace, fsdk::OccludedFace }
 MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible extended estimation results. More...
enum  fsdk::DetailedMaskType {
  fsdk::CorrectMask = 0, fsdk::MouthCoveredWithMask, fsdk::ClearFace, fsdk::ClearFaceWithMaskUnderChin,
  fsdk::PartlyCoveredFace, fsdk::FullMask, Count
 MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all type of DetailedMaskType results. More...
enum  fsdk::NIRLivenessMode { Default, M1, M2 }
 NIRLiveness estimation mode. Currently, available values to select the estimation mode are: Default, M1 and M2. The scenario `Default` means the mode is specified in config file. More...


IBestShotQualityEstimator::EstimationRequest fsdk::operator| (IBestShotQualityEstimator::EstimationRequest first, IBestShotQualityEstimator::EstimationRequest second)
FrontalFaceType fsdk::HeadPoseEstimation::getFrontalFaceType () const
 Returns type of face frontality.
float fsdk::MedicalMaskEstimation::getScore (DetailedMaskType type) const
 Returns score of required detailed mask type.
float fsdk::Quality::getQuality () const noexcept
bool fsdk::SubjectiveQuality::isGood () const noexcept

Detailed Description

Estimators public interfaces and related types and structures.

Enumeration Type Documentation

MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all type of DetailedMaskType results.


correct mask on the face (mouth and nose are covered correctly)


mask covers only a mouth


clear face - no mask on the face


clear face with a mask around of a chin, mask does not cover anything in the face region (from mouth to eyes)


face is covered with not a medical mask or a full mask


face is covered with a full mask (such as balaclava, sky mask, etc.)

Glasses estimation enum.

  • noglasses: checks whether person is wearing glasses or not. true - no glasses, false - with glasses;
  • eyeglasses: checks whether person is wearing eyeglasses or not. true - eyeglasses, false - not eyeglasses;
  • sunglasses: checks whether person is wearing sunglasses or not. true - sunglasses, false - not sunglasses.

Person is not wearing glasses.


Person is wearing eyeglasses.


Person is wearing sunglasses.


failed to estimate

MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results.


medical mask is on the face


no medical mask on the face


face is occluded by something

MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible extended estimation results.


medical mask is on the face


no medical mask on the face


mask is not on the right place


face is occluded by something

NIRLiveness estimation mode. Currently, available values to select the estimation mode are: Default, M1 and M2. The scenario `Default` means the mode is specified in config file.

See also:

Function Documentation

float fsdk::Quality::getQuality ( ) const [inline]
complex estimation of quality (minimin of flor estimations). 0 - low quality, 1 - high quality.

Returns score of required detailed mask type.

[in]typedetailed mask type.
See also:
DetailedMaskType for more info.
bool fsdk::SubjectiveQuality::isGood ( ) const [inline]
if all boolean flags are false returns true - high quality, else false - low quality.
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