Liveness Engine SDK
Liveness detection engine.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
|\CErrorTraits< lsdk::LSDKError >Specialized for LSDKError
 oCAnglesStructure for angle measurements retrieval
 oCScoresStructure for score measurements retrieval
 oCEyeStatesStructure for eyeStates retrieval
 oCILivenessLiveness detector interface
 oCIUnifiedLivenessUnified liveness detector interface. This liveness type includes previous types and performs all calculation in one session. It performs tracking of value of type used on the creation stage, besides it also tracks remaining measurements in order to identify fraud attempt
 oCIComplexLivenessComplex liveness detector interface
 \CILivenessEngineRoot Liveness SDK object interface