10#include <fsdk/FSDKError.h>
11#include <fsdk/IObject.h>
12#include <fsdk/Types.h>
13#include <fsdk/IFaceLandmarksBatch.h>
15#include <fsdk/vlc/future.h>
Span. @detail Not owning data view. It incapsulated pointer to the continuous array with one or more ...
Definition Span.h:14
Smart ptr declaration helper macro.
Definition Def.h:56
Detection type enumeration.
Definition IDetector.h:58
SDK namespace.
Definition IAGSEstimator.h:8
Definition IFaceLandmarksDetector.h:23
virtual Result< FSDKError > validate(Span< const Image > images, Span< Span< const Detection > > detections, DetectionType detectionType, Span< Span< Result< FSDKError > > > errors) const noexcept=0
Validates frames, detections, detectionType in a single function call.
virtual Result< FSDKError > validate(Span< const Image > images, Span< Span< const Detection > > detections, Span< Span< Result< FSDKError > > > errors) const noexcept=0
Validates input of multiple frames in a single function call.
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError, Ref< IFaceLandmarksBatch > > detectLandmarks5(Span< const Image > images, Span< Span< const Detection > > detections) const noexcept=0
Detects landmarks5 on multiple images.
virtual Result< FSDKError > validate(const Image &images, Span< const Detection > detections, Span< Result< FSDKError > > errors) const noexcept=0
Validates input of frame and detections in a single function call.
vlc::future< IFaceLandmarksBatchPtr > FaceLandmarksBatchFuture
Common alias for IFaceLandmarksDetector asynchronous interface.
Definition IFaceLandmarksDetector.h:145
virtual Result< FSDKError > detectLandmarks68(const Image &image, Span< const Detection > detections, Span< Landmarks68 > landmarks) const noexcept=0
Detects landmarks68 in a photo.
virtual FaceLandmarksBatchFuture detectLandmarksAsync(Span< const Image > images, Span< Span< const Detection > > detections, DetectionType detectionType) const =0
Asynchronously detects landmarks5 and/or landmarks68 on multiple images.
virtual Result< FSDKError > detectLandmarks5(const Image &image, Span< const Detection > detections, Span< Landmarks5 > landmarks) const noexcept=0
Detects landmarks5 in a photo.
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError, Ref< IFaceLandmarksBatch > > detectLandmarks68(Span< const Image > images, Span< Span< const Detection > > detections) const noexcept=0
Detects landmarks68 on multiple images.
Base strong reference counted object interface.
Definition IRefCounted.h:37
Definition Image.h:38
A structure that encapsulates an action result enumeration.
Definition Result.h:27
Addon for Result to output some value aside the result. Specialization for copiable types.
Definition ResultValue.h:21