| Result (E error) noexcept |
| Initializes result.
| Result () noexcept |
| Initializes result by default.
E | getError () const noexcept |
| Gets actual result value.
bool | isError () const noexcept |
| Checks for an error.
bool | isOk () const noexcept |
| Checks for a success.
| operator bool () const noexcept |
| Checks for a success.
| operator int () const noexcept=delete |
| Values of type bool participate in integral promotions. A prvalue of type bool can be converted to a prvalue of type int, with false becoming zero and true becoming one. This overload prevents the bool() operator above from participating in dangerous implicit conversion chains such as bool->int, bool->int->float, bool->int->double.
const char * | what () const noexcept |
| Gets a textual description of the result.
template<typename E>
struct fsdk::Result< E >
A structure that encapsulates an action result enumeration.
An enum should specify a result code. By default the result is in a special uninitialized state which should be interpreted as an error. Default success value shoud be defined to zero.
- Template Parameters