Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- v -
- valid()
: fsdk::IAsyncContext
- validate()
: fsdk::IAGSEstimator
, fsdk::IBestShotQualityEstimator
, fsdk::IEmotionsEstimator
, fsdk::IHeadWearEstimator
, fsdk::IDetector
, fsdk::IHumanDetector
, fsdk::IHumanAttributeEstimator
, fsdk::IHumanDetector
, fsdk::IEyeBrowEstimator
, fsdk::ILivenessFlyingFacesEstimator
, fsdk::ILivenessIREstimator
, fsdk::IBlackWhiteEstimator
, fsdk::IEyeEstimator
, fsdk::ILivenessOneShotRGBEstimator
, fsdk::IMedicalMaskEstimator
, fsdk::IFacialHairEstimator
, fsdk::IMedicalMaskEstimator
, fsdk::IMouthEstimator
, fsdk::IBackgroundEstimator
, fsdk::IChildEstimator
, fsdk::IFishEyeEstimator
, fsdk::INaturalLightEstimator
, fsdk::IOrientationEstimator
, fsdk::IGazeEstimator
, fsdk::IPortraitStyleEstimator
, fsdk::IDetector
, fsdk::IDescriptorExtractor
, fsdk::IRedEyeEstimator
, fsdk::IQualityEstimator
, fsdk::ICredibilityCheckEstimator
, fsdk::IGlassesEstimator
, fsdk::IHeadPoseEstimator
- Value()
: fsdk::ISettingsProvider::Value
- value
: fsdk::CredibilityCheckEstimation
- Value()
: fsdk::ISettingsProvider::Value
- ValueType
: fsdk::ResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value >::type >
, fsdk::ResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value==false >::type >
- Vector2()
: fsdk::Vector2< T >
- visible
: fsdk::HumanLandmark