
Encode a movie from frames rendered from an external texture image.

The object wraps an encoder running on a dedicated thread. The various control messages may be sent from arbitrary threads (typically the app UI thread). The encoder thread manages both sides of the encoder (feeding and draining); the only external input is the GL texture.

The design is complicated slightly by the need to create an EGL context that shares state with a view that gets restarted if (say) the device orientation changes. When the view in question is a GLSurfaceView, we don't have full control over the EGL context creation on that side, so we have to bend a bit backwards here.

To use:

  • create TextureMovieEncoder object
  • create an EncoderConfig
  • call TextureMovieEncoder#startRecording() with the config
  • call TextureMovieEncoder#setTextureId() with the texture object that receives frames
  • for each frame, after latching it with SurfaceTexture#updateTexImage(), call TextureMovieEncoder#frameAvailable().
TODO: tweak the API (esp. textureId) so it's less awkward for simple use cases.


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open class EncoderConfig
Encoder configuration.
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Tells the video recorder that a new frame is available.
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open fun isRecording(): Boolean
Returns true if recording has been started.
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open fun run()
Encoder thread entry point.
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open fun setTextureId(id: Int)
Tells the video recorder what texture name to use.
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Tells the video recorder to start recording.
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open fun stopRecording()
Tells the video recorder to stop recording.
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open fun updateSharedContext(sharedContext: EGLContext)
Tells the video recorder to refresh its EGL surface.