Face Engine SDK  5.26.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
fsdk::IGazeEstimator Struct Reference

Gaze estimator interface. More...

#include <IGazeEstimator.h>

Inheritance diagram for fsdk::IGazeEstimator:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual Result< FSDKErrorestimate (const Image &warp, const Landmarks5 &landmarks5Transformed, GazeEstimation &eyeAngles) const noexcept=0
 Estimates the eye angles.
virtual Result< FSDKErrorestimate (Span< const Image > warps, Span< const Landmarks5 > landmarks5Transformed, Span< GazeEstimation > eyeAngles) const noexcept=0
 Estimates eye angles of multiple frames in a single estimate function call.
virtual Result< FSDKErrorvalidate (Span< const Image > warps, Span< const Landmarks5 > landmarks5Transformed, Span< Result< FSDKError >> errors) const noexcept=0
 Validate input of multiple frames in a single function call.
virtual Point2i getFaceCenter (const Landmarks5 &landmarks5) const noexcept=0
 Returns the special center of face for calculating of gaze projection.

Detailed Description

Gaze estimator interface.

This estimator is designed to work with 68 facial landmarks, HeadPoseEstimation (
See also:
IHeadPoseEstimator) and EyesEstimations of both eyes (
GazeEstimation structure for details about how exactly the estimations are reported.
Input points should be relative to the same coordinate system. Best results are achieved if coordinate system is tied to image on which input data was retrieved.

Member Function Documentation

virtual Result<FSDKError> fsdk::IGazeEstimator::estimate ( const Image warp,
const Landmarks5 &  landmarks5Transformed,
GazeEstimation eyeAngles 
) const [pure virtual]

Estimates the eye angles.

[in]warpimage with warped face.
[in]landmarks5Transformedtransformed landmarks.
[out]eyeAnglesoutput estimation.
Result with error code.
See also:
GazeEstimation, Landmarks, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
warp format must be R8G8B8 or IR_X8X8X8,
See also:
virtual Result<FSDKError> fsdk::IGazeEstimator::estimate ( Span< const Image warps,
Span< const Landmarks5 >  landmarks5Transformed,
Span< GazeEstimation eyeAngles 
) const [pure virtual]

Estimates eye angles of multiple frames in a single estimate function call.

[in]warpsspan of images with warped faces.
[in]landmarks5Transformedspan of transformed landmarks of size 5,
See also:
[out]eyeAnglesoutput span of gaze estimations.
Result with error code.
See also:
Span, GazeEstimation, Landmarks, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
warps format must be R8G8B8 or IR_X8X8X8,
See also:
all spans should be based on user owned continuous collections.
all spans should be equal size.
virtual Point2i fsdk::IGazeEstimator::getFaceCenter ( const Landmarks5 &  landmarks5) const [pure virtual]

Returns the special center of face for calculating of gaze projection.

[in]landmarks5landmarks of size 5.
Point of face center of type Vector2<int>.
See also:
Vector2 and Landmarks for details.
virtual Result<FSDKError> fsdk::IGazeEstimator::validate ( Span< const Image warps,
Span< const Landmarks5 >  landmarks5Transformed,
Span< Result< FSDKError >>  errors 
) const [pure virtual]

Validate input of multiple frames in a single function call.

[in]warpsspan of images with warped faces.
[in]landmarks5Transformedspan of transformed landmarks, only for Validation.
[out]errorsoutput span of errors for each image.
Result with error code.
See also:
Span, Landmarks, Image, Result and FSDKError for details.
warps format must be R8G8B8 or IR_X8X8X8,
See also:
all spans should be based on user owned continuous collections.
all spans should be equal size.

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