Face Engine SDK  4.6.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
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fsdk Directory Reference


directory  Estimators
directory  Types


file  Def.h [code]
 Common SDK definitions.
file  Face.h [code]
file  FaceEngine.h [code]
 Face detection, analyzing and recognition SDK interfaces, AIO public header.
file  FSDKError.h [code]
 Common SDK error codes.
file  FSDKVersion.h [code]
file  Human.h [code]
file  IAsyncContext.h [code]
 Async context interface.
file  IDescriptor.h [code]
 Descriptor extractor and matcher interfaces.
file  IDetector.h [code]
 Face detector interfaces.
file  IFaceEngineMobile.h [code]
file  IHumanWarper.h [code]
 Image and human landmarks warping.
file  IIndex.h [code]
file  ILicense.h [code]
file  IObject.h [code]
 Object system types and interfaces.
file  IRefCounted.h [code]
 Reference counted object interface.
file  IResultBatch.h [code]
file  ISettingsProvider.h [code]
 Settings provider interface.
file  ISettingsProvider.inl
file  IWarper.h [code]
 Image and landmarks warping.
file  Log.h [code]
 Log interfaces.
file  Optional.h [code]
file  Types.h [code]
 Common data types and structures.
file  Version.h [code]
 SDK version information routines.