88 virtual uint64_t
const noexcept = 0;
240 virtual void progress(
const float completion)
const noexcept = 0;
DIS_VALID - index is valid for search.
Definition: IIndex.h:24
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError, DescriptorId > appendDescriptor(const IDescriptor *descriptor) noexcept=0
Appends descriptor to internal storage. If used on.
Smart ptr declaration helper macro.
Definition: Def.h:56
virtual uint32_t getDescriptorVersion() const noexcept=0
Return version of stored descriptors.
virtual Result< FSDKError > removeDescriptor(const DescriptorId index) noexcept=0
Removes descriptor out of graph. If used on.
virtual Result< FSDKError > saveToDenseIndex(const char *path) const noexcept=0
Saves index as dense.
A structure that encapsulates an action result enumeration.
Definition: Result.h:27
Base index interface.
Definition: IIndex.h:150
Progress tracker interface.
Definition: IIndex.h:235
DIS_UNKNOWN - index state is unknown.
Definition: IIndex.h:25
Result of index search.
Definition: IIndex.h:34
Descriptor batch interface.
Definition: IDescriptor.h:148
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError, Future< ResultValue< FSDKError, IDynamicIndex * > > > buildIndexAsync(IAsyncContext *const asyncContext, const IProgressTracker *const progressTracker=nullptr) noexcept=0
Builds index with every descriptor appended. Non blocking operation.
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError, DynamicIndexState > saveToDynamicIndex(const char *path) const noexcept=0
Saves index as dynamic.
virtual uint64_t size() const noexcept=0
Return size of internal storage.
virtual uint64_t countOfIndexedDescriptors() const noexcept=0
Returns count of indexed descriptors.
Base strong reference counted object interface.
Definition: IRefCounted.h:37
Interface for running tasks asynchronously.
Definition: IAsyncContext.h:24
SearchResult() noexcept
Default constructor.
Definition: IIndex.h:39
Index state.
Definition: IIndex.h:22
virtual Result< FSDKError > descriptorByIndex(const DescriptorId index, IDescriptor *descriptor) const noexcept=0
Requests descriptor data out of internal storage.
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError, IIDMapPtr > eraseRemovedDescriptors() noexcept=0
Erases removed descriptors out of index fully.
Descriptor extractor and matcher interfaces.
float similarity
similarity (normalized in [0..1] range).
Definition: IDescriptor.h:37
size_t DescriptorId
Intergral type used as identification of descriptor in internal storage.
Definition: IIDMap.h:17
Dynamic index interface.
Definition: IIndex.h:180
Addon for Result to output some value aside the result. Specialization for copiable types...
Definition: ResultValue.h:21
MatchingResult(void) noexcept
Initializes result to default values.
Definition: IDescriptor.h:42
SearchResult(float distance, float similarity, DescriptorId index) noexcept
Construct structure with parameters.
Definition: IIndex.h:50
Dense (read only) index interface.
Definition: IIndex.h:171
Result of descriptor matching.
Definition: IDescriptor.h:35
DescriptorId index
Identificator of descriptor in some storage.
Definition: IIndex.h:36
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError, int > search(const IDescriptor *reference, int maxResultsCount, SearchResult *results) const noexcept=0
Search for descriptors with the shorter distance to passed descriptor.
Descriptor interface.
Definition: IDescriptor.h:100
float distance
distance between descriptor vectors.
Definition: IDescriptor.h:36
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError, IDynamicIndex * > buildIndex(const IProgressTracker *const progressTracker=nullptr) noexcept=0
Builds index with every descriptor appended. Blocks until completed.
Dynamic descriptor storage interface.
Definition: IIndex.h:95
DIS_INVALID - index is invalid for search.
Definition: IIndex.h:23
Index builder interface.
Definition: IIndex.h:246
virtual ResultValue< FSDKError, DescriptorId > appendBatch(const IDescriptorBatch *batch) noexcept=0
Appends batch of descriptors to internal storage. If used on.
Static descriptor storage interface.
Definition: IIndex.h:63
virtual void progress(const float completion) const noexcept=0
Function is called on some operation progress change.