Face Engine SDK  5.17.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
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fsdk::IIndex Struct Referenceabstract

Base index interface. More...

#include <IIndex.h>

Inheritance diagram for fsdk::IIndex:
fsdk::IRefCounted fsdk::IDenseIndex fsdk::IDynamicIndex

Public Member Functions

virtual ResultValue< FSDKError,
int > 
search (const IDescriptor *reference, int maxResultsCount, SearchResult *results) const noexcept=0
 Search for descriptors with the shorter distance to passed descriptor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fsdk::IRefCounted
virtual int32_t retain () noexcept=0
 Increase strong reference count. More...
virtual int32_t retainLocked () noexcept=0
 Increase strong reference count thread safely. More...
virtual int32_t release () noexcept=0
 Decrease strong reference count. More...
virtual int32_t getRefCount () const noexcept=0
 Get actual strong reference count. More...
virtual int32_t retainWeak () noexcept=0
 Increase weak reference count. More...
virtual int32_t releaseWeak () noexcept=0
 Decrease weak reference count. More...
virtual int32_t getWeakRefCount () const noexcept=0
 Get actual weak reference count. More...

Detailed Description

Base index interface.

You may think of index as some data structure optimized for search queries.

Member Function Documentation

virtual ResultValue<FSDKError, int> fsdk::IIndex::search ( const IDescriptor reference,
int  maxResultsCount,
SearchResult results 
) const
pure virtualnoexcept

Search for descriptors with the shorter distance to passed descriptor.

[in]referenceDescriptor to match against index.
[in]maxResultsCountMaximum count of results. It is upper bound value, it does not guarantee to return exactly this amount of results.
[out]resultsC-Array of at least
See Also
maxResultsCount size. Is filled with query results.
ResultValue with error code and count of found descriptors.
See Also
IDescriptor, SearchResult, ResultValue and FSDKError for details.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: