Face Engine SDK  5.17.0
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
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fsdk Namespace Reference

SDK namespace. More...


struct  IAGSEstimator
 Approximate Garbage Score estimator interface. More...
struct  BackgroundEstimation
 Background estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation and probability scores for each possible estimation result. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct  IBackgroundEstimator
 Background estimator interface. More...
struct  IBestShotQualityEstimator
 BestShotQuality estimator interface. More...
struct  ImageColorEstimation
 Image color type estimator interface. More...
struct  IBlackWhiteEstimator
struct  ChildEstimation
 Child estimation output. More...
struct  IChildEstimator
 Child estimator interface. More...
struct  CredibilityCheckEstimation
 CredibilityCheck estimator output structure. More...
struct  ICredibilityCheckEstimator
 CredibilityCheck estimator interface. More...
struct  CrowdEstimation
 Crowd estimation structure. More...
struct  ICrowdEstimator
 Crowd estimator interface. More...
struct  DynamicRangeEstimation
 DynamicRange estimator output structure. This structure contains score for possible estimation result. Probability score is defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct  IDynamicRangeEstimator
 DynamicRange estimator interface. More...
struct  EmotionsEstimation
 Emotions estimation structure. Each estimation is given in normalized [0, 1] range. More...
struct  IEmotionsEstimator
 Emotions estimator interface. More...
struct  IEthnicityEstimator
struct  EyeBrowEstimation
 EyeBrow estimation structure. More...
struct  IEyeBrowEstimator
 EyeBrow estimator interface. More...
struct  EyesEstimation
 Eyes estimation output. More...
struct  EyeCropper
 EyeCropper is a helper structure for IEyeEstimator interface Methods of this structure crop an input warped image and returns rectangle coordinates of each eye. More...
struct  IEyeEstimator
 Eye estimator interface. More...
struct  FacialHairEstimation
 FacialHair estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct  IFacialHairEstimator
 FacialHair estimator interface. More...
struct  FightsEstimation
 FightsEstimation result structure. This structure will return from the IFightsEstimatorContext::getResult method call. This structure contains current estimation result for input frames. More...
struct  IFightsEstimatorContext
 FightsEstimator context stucture This structure will return from the IFightsEstimator::estimate method call. More...
struct  IFightsEstimator
 FightsEstimator estimator interface. More...
struct  FishEyeEstimation
 FishEye estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct  IFishEyeEstimator
 FishEye estimator interface. More...
struct  GazeEstimation
 Gaze estimation output. More...
struct  IGazeEstimator
 Gaze estimator interface. More...
struct  IGlassesEstimator
 Glasses estimator interface. More...
struct  IHeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimator
 Head And Shoulders estimator interface. More...
struct  HeadPoseEstimation
 Head pose estimation output. More...
struct  IHeadPoseEstimator
 Head pose angles estimator interface. More...
struct  HeadWearStateEstimation
 HeadWearState estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct  HeadWearTypeEstimation
 HeadWearType estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct  HeadWearEstimation
 HeadWear estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of HeadWearState and HeadWearType estimations. More...
struct  IHeadWearEstimator
 HeadWear estimator interface. More...
struct  HumanAttributeResult
 Unified HumanAttribute estimator output structure. More...
struct  IHumanAttributeEstimator
 HumanAttribute estimator interface. More...
struct  DepthRange
 Depth range configuration structure in millimeters. More...
struct  DepthEstimation
 Depth estimator output structure. More...
struct  ILivenessDepthEstimator
 Depth estimator interface. More...
struct  DepthRGBEstimation
 Depth+RBG liveness estimation output structure. More...
struct  ILivenessDepthRGBEstimator
 Depth+RGB estimator interface. More...
struct  ILivenessFlowEstimator
 Liveness flow estimator interface. More...
struct  LivenessFlyingFacesEstimation
 Liveness Flying Faces estimation output. More...
struct  ILivenessFlyingFacesEstimator
 Flying Faces Liveness estimator interface. More...
struct  LivenessFPREstimation
 Liveness FPR estimation output. More...
struct  ILivenessFPREstimator
 FPR Liveness estimator interface. More...
struct  IREstimation
 IR estimation structure. Each score in normalized [0, 1] range, isReal shows real person or not. More...
struct  ILivenessIREstimator
 Infra red liveness estimator interface. More...
struct  LivenessOneShotRGBEstimation
 Liveness OneShotRGB estimation structure. More...
struct  ILivenessOneShotRGBEstimator
 OneShot RGB Liveness estimator interface. More...
struct  LivenessRGBMEstimation
 LivenessRGBM estimation structure. More...
struct  ILivenessRGBMEstimator
 RGBM Liveness estimator interface. More...
struct  MedicalMaskEstimation
 MedicalMask estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct  MedicalMaskEstimationExtended
 MedicalMask estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct  IMedicalMaskEstimator
 MedicalMask estimator interface. More...
struct  SmileTypeScores
 Scores of smile type. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. Scores in this struct sum up to 1.0. We use them to decide if person is smiling with teeth's exposed or not. More...
struct  MouthEstimation
 Mouth estimator output structure. Stores flags that indicates which mouth feature is present. Multiple state flags may be set to true meaning that the final mouth state is a combination of those. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct  MouthEstimationExtended
 Extended mouth estimator output structure. Stores flags that indicates which mouth feature is present. Multiple state flags may be set to true meaning that the final mouth state is a combination of those. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct  IMouthEstimator
 Mouth estimator interface. More...
struct  NaturalLightEstimation
 NaturalLight estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation and probability scores for each possible estimation result. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct  INaturalLightEstimator
 NaturalLight estimator interface. More...
struct  NIRLivenessEstimation
 NIR Liveness estimation structure. Each score in normalized [0, 1] range, state shows real person or not. More...
struct  INIRLivenessEstimator
 Infra red liveness estimator interface. More...
struct  IOrientationEstimator
 Image orientation estimator interface. More...
struct  OverlapEstimation
 Face overlap estimation output. More...
struct  IOverlapEstimator
 Overlap estimator interface. More...
struct  PortraitStyleEstimation
 PortraitStyle estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation and probability scores for each possible estimation result. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct  IPortraitStyleEstimator
 PortraitStyle estimator interface. More...
struct  OnePPEEstimation
 Personal Protection Equipment estimation structure (a.k.a. PPE) This structure contains prediction scores per each personal equipment attribute. More...
struct  PPEEstimation
 Personal Protection Equipment output structure. This structure aggregates multiple PPE attributes predictions. More...
struct  IPPEEstimator
 Personal Protection Equipment estimator interface. More...
struct  Quality
 Quality estimation structure Each estimation is given in normalized [0, 1] range. Parameter meanings: More...
struct  SubjectiveQuality
 Subjective Quality estimation structure Each estimation is given in normalized [0, 1] range. Parameter meanings: More...
struct  IQualityEstimator
 Image quality estimator interface. More...
struct  RedEyeEstimation
 Red eye estimation output. More...
struct  IRedEyeEstimator
 Red eye estimator interface. More...
struct  Exception
struct  ErrorTraits< FSDKError >
 Specialized for FSDKError. More...
struct  IAsyncContext
 Interface for running tasks asynchronously. More...
struct  MatchingResult
 Result of descriptor matching. More...
struct  IDescriptor
 Descriptor interface. More...
struct  IDescriptorBatch
 Descriptor batch interface. More...
struct  ErrorTraits< IDescriptorBatch::Error >
 Specialized for DescriptorBatchError. More...
struct  IDescriptorExtractor
 Descriptor extractor interface. More...
struct  IDescriptorMatcher
 Descriptor matcher interface. More...
struct  IDetectionBatch
 Detection result batch interface. More...
class  IDetectionComparer
 Interface of BestDetection comparer. Implement it if you want to use own BestDetection strategy. More...
class  FunctionDetectionComparer
 Syntax sugar, allows you to use lambdas to define a BestDetection comparer. More...
struct  IDetector
 face detector interface. More...
struct  IFaceDetectionBatch
 Face detection result batch interface. More...
struct  IFaceEngine
 Root LUNA SDK object interface. More...
struct  IFaceLandmarksBatch
 Landmarks result batch interface. More...
struct  IFaceLandmarksDetector
struct  IHeadDetector
struct  IHumanDetectionBatch
 Human detection result batch interface. More...
struct  IHumanDetector
 human body detector interface. More...
struct  HumanFaceAssociation
 Type for human and face association. More...
struct  IHumanFaceBatch
 HumanFace result batch interface. More...
struct  IHumanFaceDetector
 Human and face detector interface. More...
struct  IHumanLandmarksBatch
 Landmarks result batch interface. More...
struct  IHumanLandmarksDetector
struct  IHumanWarper
 Human detection area warper interface. More...
struct  IIDMap
 Id map interface. More...
struct  SearchResult
 Result of index search. More...
struct  IStaticDescriptorStorage
 Static descriptor storage interface. More...
struct  IDynamicDescriptorStorage
 Dynamic descriptor storage interface. More...
struct  IIndex
 Base index interface. More...
struct  IDenseIndex
 Dense (read only) index interface. More...
struct  IDynamicIndex
 Dynamic index interface. More...
struct  IProgressTracker
 Progress tracker interface. More...
struct  IIndexBuilder
 Index builder interface. More...
struct  ILicense
 License objects interface. More...
struct  IArchive
 Archive interface. More...
struct  ISerializableObject
 Serializable object interface. More...
struct  ErrorTraits< ISerializableObject::Error >
 Specialized for ISerializableObject::SerializationError. More...
struct  IDataStorageObject
 Data storage object interface helper. More...
struct  IRefCounted
 Base strong reference counted object interface. More...
struct  IResultBatch
struct  ISettingsProvider
 SDK settings provider interface. More...
struct  ErrorTraits< ISettingsProvider::Error >
 Specialized for ISettingsProvider::ParseError. More...
struct  IWarper
 Face detection area warper interface. More...
struct  LaunchOptions
 LaunchOptions struct configures inference options on per-estimator/detector basis, giving user fine grained control over cpu/gpu utilisation. More...
struct  Detection
 Detection structure. Stores a detected bounding box within a source image rect. More...
struct  Face
struct  Format
 Image format. More...
class  Noncopyable
 Helper class to block copy operator&constructor of its descendants. More...
class  Promise
 Promise class to support asynchronous data retrieval Look into std::promise semantics to understand it. More...
class  Future
 Future class to support asynchronous data retrieval Look into std::future semantics to understand it. More...
struct  ErrorTraits< FutureError >
 Specialized for Future::Error. More...
struct  ErrorTraits< PromiseError >
 Specialized for Promise::Error. More...
struct  Human
struct  HumanLandmark
 Human keypoints landmark structure. More...
struct  HumanLandmarks
 Human keypoints landmarks template structure. More...
struct  Image
 Image. More...
struct  ErrorTraits< Image::Error >
 Specialized for Image::Error. More...
struct  Landmarks
 Face landmarks template structure. More...
struct  Landmarks5Indexes
 Enumerates detected landmarks. Only valid for template with 5 landmarks. More...
struct  MultiError
 An error structure designed for functions which can return errors from different enum classes. More...
struct  ErrorTraits< MultiError< E0, E1 > >
 Specialized for MultiError. More...
struct  BaseRect
 Rectangle. More...
struct  Ref
 Smart pointer for reference counted objects. More...
struct  RefBase
 Generic base class of a pointer for reference counted objects. More...
struct  ErrorTraits
struct  Result
 A structure that encapsulates an action result enumeration. More...
struct  ResultValue
 Addon for Result to output some value aside the result. Specialization for copiable types. More...
struct  ResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value >::type >
struct  ResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value==false >::type >
 Addon for Result to output some value aside the result. Specialization for non copiable types. More...
struct  Sizer
 Helper entity to measure size of dynamic objects in memory. More...
class  Span
 Span. Not owning data view. It incapsulated pointer to the continuous array with one or more T objects. More...
struct  SubImage
 Sub Image. More...
struct  Transformation
 Transformation data structure, used for warping. More...
struct  Vector2
 Generic 2D vector. More...
struct  Version


using PPEState = OnePPEEstimation::PPEState
using FaceEngineType = IFaceEngine
using FaceEnginePtrType = IFaceEnginePtr
using DescriptorId = size_t
 Intergral type used as identification of descriptor in internal storage.
template<typename T >
using Optional = vlc::optional< T >
using HumanLandmarks17 = HumanLandmarks< 17 >
 alias for structure with 17 landmarks
using ImageType = Image::Type
 Convenient type aliases for fsdk::Image enum classes.
using ImageError = Image::Error
using TargetDevice = Image::TargetDevice
using ImageCompression = Image::ImageCompression
typedef Vector2< float > Landmark
 Landmark floating point coordinates type.
using Landmarks5 = Landmarks< 5 >
 alias for structure with 5 landmarks
using Landmarks68 = Landmarks< 68 >
 alias for structure with 68 landmarks
using Rect = BaseRect< int >
using FloatRect = BaseRect< float >
typedef Vector2< float > Point2f
typedef Vector2< double > Point2d
typedef Vector2< int > Point2i
typedef Vector2< unsigned int > Point2u
typedef Vector2< unsigned short > Point2us
typedef Vector2< int > Size


enum  BackgroundStatus : uint8_t { BackgroundStatus::NonSolid = 0, BackgroundStatus::Solid = 1 }
 Background estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum  CredibilityStatus : uint8_t { CredibilityStatus::Reliable = 1, CredibilityStatus::NonReliable = 2 }
 CredibilityCheck estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum  CrowdEstimatorType { CET_DEFAULT = 0, CET_SINGLE_NET = 1, CET_TWO_NETS = 2, CET_COUNT }
 CrowdEstimator type enumeration. More...
enum  FacialHair { FacialHair::NoHair = 0, FacialHair::Stubble, FacialHair::Mustache, FacialHair::Beard }
 FacialHair estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum  FishEye { FishEye::NoFishEyeEffect = 0, FishEye::FishEyeEffect = 1 }
 FishEye estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum  GlassesEstimation : uint8_t { GlassesEstimation::NoGlasses, GlassesEstimation::EyeGlasses, GlassesEstimation::SunGlasses, GlassesEstimation::EstimationError }
 Glasses estimation enum. More...
enum  HeadWearState { Yes = 0, No, Count }
 HeadWearState estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results.
enum  HeadWearType : uint8_t {
  NoHeadWear = 0, BaseballCap, Beanie, PeakedCap,
  Shawl, HatWithEarFlaps, Helmet, Hood,
  Hat, Other, Count
 HeadWearType estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results.
enum  HumanAttributeRequest {
  HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateAge = 1 << 0, HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateGender = 1 << 1, HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateSleeveSize = 1 << 2, HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateBackpack = 1 << 3,
  HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateOutwearColor = 1 << 4, HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateHeadwear = 1 << 5, HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateLowerBodyClothing = 1 << 7, HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateShoeColor = 1 << 8,
  HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateAll = 0xffff
 HumanAttributeRequest lists all possible estimation attributes that HumanAttributeEstimator is currently able to estimate. More...
enum  MedicalMask { MedicalMask::Mask = 0, MedicalMask::NoMask, MedicalMask::OccludedFace }
 MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum  MedicalMaskExtended { MedicalMaskExtended::Mask = 0, MedicalMaskExtended::NoMask, MedicalMaskExtended::MaskNotInPlace, MedicalMaskExtended::OccludedFace }
 MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible extended estimation results. More...
enum  DetailedMaskType {
  DetailedMaskType::CorrectMask = 0, DetailedMaskType::MouthCoveredWithMask, DetailedMaskType::ClearFace, DetailedMaskType::ClearFaceWithMaskUnderChin,
  DetailedMaskType::PartlyCoveredFace, DetailedMaskType::FullMask, Count
 MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all type of DetailedMaskType results. More...
enum  SmileType { SmileType::None, SmileType::SmileLips, SmileType::SmileOpen }
 MouthEstimationExtended smile type enum. This enum contains all possible smile types. More...
enum  LightStatus : uint8_t { LightStatus::NonNatural = 0, LightStatus::Natural = 1 }
 NaturalLight estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum  NIRLivenessMode { Default, M1, M2 }
 NIRLiveness estimation mode. Currently, available values to select the estimation mode are: Default, M1 and M2. The scenario Default means the mode is specified in config file. More...
enum  PortraitStyleStatus : uint8_t { PortraitStyleStatus::NonPortrait = 0, PortraitStyleStatus::Portrait = 1, PortraitStyleStatus::HiddenShoulders = 2 }
 PortraitStyle estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum  RedEyeStatus : uint8_t { RedEyeStatus::NonRed, RedEyeStatus::Red }
 Enumeration of possible red eye statuses. More...
enum  FSDKError : uint32_t {
  FSDKError::Ok, FSDKError::Internal, FSDKError::InvalidInput, FSDKError::InvalidImage,
  FSDKError::InvalidRect, FSDKError::InvalidImageFormat, FSDKError::InvalidImageSize, FSDKError::InvalidDetection,
  FSDKError::InvalidLandmarks5, FSDKError::InvalidLandmarks68, FSDKError::InvalidTransformation, FSDKError::InvalidDescriptor,
  FSDKError::InvalidDescriptorBatch, FSDKError::InvalidSettingsProvider, FSDKError::InvalidDescriptorId, FSDKError::InvalidPath,
  FSDKError::InvalidSerializedObject, FSDKError::ModuleNotInitialized, FSDKError::ModuleNotReady, FSDKError::LicenseError,
  FSDKError::BufferIsNull, FSDKError::BufferIsFull, FSDKError::BufferIsEmpty, FSDKError::InvalidBufferSize,
  FSDKError::InvalidSpanSize, FSDKError::InvalidBatch, FSDKError::IncompatibleDescriptors, FSDKError::EnableJustInBetaMode,
  FSDKError::FiltredAggregationError, FSDKError::BatchedInternalError, UnsupportedFunctionality, HighMemoryUsage,
  FSDKError::IncompatibleModelVersions, FSDKError::ModelNotLoaded, FSDKError::InvalidConfig, FSDKError::LicenseIsNotActivated,
  FSDKError::FeatureNotAvailable, FSDKError::FeatureExpired, FSDKError::FingerprintError, FSDKError::ValidationFailed,
  FSDKError::CudaError, FSDKError::NotImplemented
 Common SDK error codes. More...
enum  DescriptorType { DT_FACE, DT_HUMAN }
 Descriptor type enum. Determines which type of descriptor to use. More...
enum  DescriptorVersion : uint32_t { DV_MIN_FACE_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION = 46, DV_MIN_HUMAN_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION = 102 }
 Minimum descriptor model version. Determines which minimum version of descriptor to use. More...
enum  HumanDescriptorVersion : uint32_t {
  HDV_PRECISE_V2 = 106, HDV_REGULAR_V2 = 107, HDV_TRACKER_V3 = 108, HDV_PRECISE_V3 = 109,
  HDV_REGULAR_V3 = 110, HDV_PRECISE_V4 = 112, HDV_REGULAR_V4 = 113
 Human descriptor model versions. Determines which version of human descriptor to use. More...
enum  ObjectDetectorClassType {
 Object detector type enumeration. More...
enum  DetectionComparerType {
 Strategy of BestDetections comparer. More...
enum  DetectionType { DT_BBOX = 0, DT_LANDMARKS5 = 1<<0, DT_LANDMARKS68 = 1<<1, DT_ALL = 0xffff }
 Detection type enumeration. More...
enum  HumanDetectionType { HDT_BOX = 0, HDT_POINTS = 1<<0, HDT_ALL = 0xffff }
 Human detection type enumeration. More...
enum  HumanFaceDetectionType { HumanFaceDetectionType::HFDT_BBOX = 0, HumanFaceDetectionType::HFDT_ASSOC = 1<<0, HumanFaceDetectionType::HFDT_ALL = 0xffff }
 Detection type enumeration for IHumanFaceDetector. More...
enum  DynamicIndexState : uint8_t { DIS_INVALID = 0, DIS_VALID, DIS_UNKNOWN, DIS_COUNT }
 Index state. More...
enum  LicenseFeature : uint32_t {
  Detection = 1, BestShot = 2, Attributes = 3, Emotions = 4,
  FaceFeatures = 5, Liveness = 6, Descriptor = 7, DescriptorIndex = 8,
  LivenessEngine = 9, TrackEngine = 10, HumanDetection = 11, PPEDetection = 17,
  MobileLiveness = 18, MedicalMaskDetection = 19, ReIdDescriptor = 20, ISOCheck = 21,
  DeepFakeEstimation = 22, DepthRGBLiveness = 23, FightsEstimation = 24, BodyAttributes = 25,
  NIRLiveness = 26
 License features.
enum  DeviceClass : int32_t {
  CPU = 0, GPU = 1, CPU_ARM = 2, CPU_AVX2,
  NPU_ASCEND, Invalid = -1
 DeviceClass specifies which device/instruction set to use for cnn inference.
enum  FaceEngineEdition { FrontEndEdition, CompleteEdition }
enum  ExecutionPolicy : uint8_t { ExecutionPolicy::Sync, ExecutionPolicy::Async }
 Enum to tell some method how to behave. More...
enum  FuturePromiseState : uint8_t {
  FuturePromiseState::Empty, FuturePromiseState::Promised, FuturePromiseState::Fulfilled, FuturePromiseState::CancelRequested,
  FuturePromiseState::Canceled, FuturePromiseState::Failed, FuturePromiseState::Broken
 Enumeration of possible future or promise states. More...
enum  FutureError : uint8_t {
  FutureError::Ok, FutureError::InvalidInput, FutureError::NotPromised, FutureError::NotFulfilled,
  FutureError::NonWaitable, FutureError::Timeout, FutureError::Internal
 Enumeration of possible Future errors. More...
enum  PromiseError : uint8_t {
  PromiseError::Ok, PromiseError::Internal, PromiseError::StateNotCancelable, PromiseError::StateNotFailable,
  PromiseError::StateNotFulfillable, PromiseError::StateDoesntAllowFutureCreation
 Enumeration of possible Promise errors. More...
enum  OrientationType : uint32_t { OT_NORMAL = 0, OT_LEFT = 1, OT_UPSIDE_DOWN = 2, OT_RIGHT = 3 }
 Estimation of image orientation. More...
enum  RotationType : uint32_t { RT_NONE = 0, RT_LEFT = 1, RT_UPSIDE_DOWN = 2, RT_RIGHT = 3 }
 Image rotation type. More...
enum  SensorType { SensorType::Visible = 0, SensorType::NIR }
 Sensor type structure. Determines which type of camera sensor is used to perform face recognition. More...


IBestShotQualityEstimator::EstimationRequest operator| (IBestShotQualityEstimator::EstimationRequest first, IBestShotQualityEstimator::EstimationRequest second)
HumanAttributeRequest operator| (HumanAttributeRequest lhs, HumanAttributeRequest rhs)
bool operator& (HumanAttributeRequest lhs, HumanAttributeRequest rhs)
DetectionType operator| (DetectionType a, DetectionType b)
FSDK_API Result< FSDKErroractivateLicense (ILicense *license, const char *configPath) noexcept
 Makes License activation with some platform specific manner. Network connection is required. More...
FSDK_API Result< FSDKErroractivateLicense (ILicense *license, ISettingsProvider *settings) noexcept
 Makes License activation with some platform specific manner. Network connection is required. More...
FSDK_API ResultValue
< FSDKError, IFaceEnginePtr > 
createFaceEngine (const char *dataPath=nullptr, const char *configPath=nullptr, const char *runtimePath=nullptr) noexcept
 Create the LUNA SDK root object. More...
FSDK_API ResultValue
< FSDKError,
ISettingsProviderPtr > 
createSettingsProvider (const char *path) noexcept
 Creates a settings provider. More...
FSDK_API ResultValue
< FSDKError,
ISettingsProviderPtr > 
createSettingsProviderFromString (const char *content) noexcept
 Creates a settings provider from the xml-formatted string. More...
HumanDetectionType operator| (HumanDetectionType a, HumanDetectionType b)
HumanFaceDetectionType operator| (HumanFaceDetectionType a, HumanFaceDetectionType b)
bool operator& (HumanFaceDetectionType lhs, HumanFaceDetectionType rhs)
constexpr int format_as (Format::Type in)
Landmarks5 FSDK_API convert (const Landmarks68 &landmarks)
 convert landmarks68 into landmarks5 More...
template<typename E0 , typename E1 >
Result< MultiError< E0, E1 > > makeMultiResult (E0 error0, E1 error1)
template<typename Type >
BaseRect< Type > centerScale (const BaseRect< Type > &in, float scaleFactor) noexcept
 scale rect out of center More...
template<typename T >
Ref< T > make_ref (T *ptr) noexcept
 Make smart reference to a IRefCounted based object without acquiring ownership. More...
template<typename S , typename T >
Ref< S > make_ref_as (T *ptr) noexcept
 Make smart reference to a IRefCounted based object without acquiring ownership. More...
template<typename T >
Ref< T > acquire (T *ptr) noexcept
 Acquire ownership of IRefCounted based object. More...
template<typename S , typename T >
Ref< S > acquire_as (T *ptr) noexcept
 Acquire ownership of IRefCounted based object with a cast to a given type. More...
template<typename E >
Result< E > makeResult (E error) noexcept
template<typename R , typename V >
ResultValue< R, typename
std::remove_const< typename
std::remove_reference< V >
::type >::type > 
makeResultValue (R result, V &&value) noexcept
 Addon for Result to output some value aside the result. More...
bool operator< (Version lhs, Version rhs) noexcept
 Check if one version is less than another. More...
bool operator== (Version lhs, Version rhs) noexcept
 Check if versions are equal. More...
bool operator!= (Version lhs, Version rhs) noexcept
 Check if versions are not equal. More...
FSDK_API Version getVersion () noexcept
 Get FaceEngine version. More...
FSDK_API const char * getVersionHash () noexcept
 Get FaceEngine commit hash. More...
FSDK_API const char * getVersionString () noexcept
 Get FaceEngine version string. More...
FSDK_API const char * getBuildInfo () noexcept
 Get FaceEngine build description. The descripton contains used flags and compler settings. More...

Detailed Description

SDK namespace.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Vector2<double> fsdk::Point2d

Double precision floating point 2-dimensional point

typedef Vector2<float> fsdk::Point2f

Single precision floating point 2-dimensional point

typedef Vector2<int> fsdk::Point2i

Integer 2-dimensional point

typedef Vector2<unsigned int> fsdk::Point2u

Integer 2-dimensional point

typedef Vector2<unsigned short> fsdk::Point2us

Integer 2-dimensional point

typedef Vector2<int> fsdk::Size

2-dimensional size type

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum fsdk::DynamicIndexState : uint8_t

Index state.


DIS_INVALID - index is invalid for search.


DIS_VALID - index is valid for search.


DIS_UNKNOWN - index state is unknown.

enum fsdk::ExecutionPolicy : uint8_t

Enum to tell some method how to behave.


Execute synchronously.


Execute asynchronously.

enum fsdk::FSDKError : uint32_t

Common SDK error codes.




Internal error.


Invalid input.


Invalid image.


Invalid rectangle.


Invalid image format.


Invalid image size.


Invalid detection.


Invalid landmarks 5.


Invalid landmarks 68.


Invalid transformation.


Invalid descriptor.


Invalid descriptor batch.


Invalid settings provider.


Invalid descriptor id.


Invalid path to object.


Invalid serialized object.


Module is not initialized.


Module is not ready.


Licensing issue (expired license or unavailable feature).


Buffer is null.


Buffer is full.


Buffer is empty.


Invalid buffer size.


Invalid span size.


Invalid batch.


Matching attempt with incompatible descriptors.


Attempt to create feature while betaMode is turned off.


Cant aggregate descriptors - all images'a GSs are less the threashold.


image for details.

Something gone wrong in batched query. See batch with error codes to each input


Incompatible model versions.


Model not loaded.


Invalid config.


License is not activated.


Requested Feature not available.


Feature expired.


Failed to get device fingerprint.


Failed validation.


CUDA Error.


Not implemented error.

enum fsdk::FutureError : uint8_t

Enumeration of possible Future errors.


All good.


Invalid data is given as input to some method.


Error if you call.

See Also
Future::cancel on not Promised state.

Error if you call.

See Also
Future::takeInto on not Fulfilled state.

Error if you try to.

See Also
Future::wait on non waitable state.

Error if your.

See Also
Future::waitFor method ran out of time.

Some internal error.

enum fsdk::FuturePromiseState : uint8_t

Enumeration of possible future or promise states.


Lack of internal state: on promise creation and emptying Future.

See Also

State right after future is created from promise.


State possible after Promised if promise' method.

See Also
Promise::fulfill is called.

State possible if.

See Also
Future::cancel is called on Promised state.

State possible if during CancelRequested.

See Also
Promise::cancel is called.

State possible if during Promised.

See Also
Promise::fail is called.

State indicating some internal error.

enum fsdk::OrientationType : uint32_t

Estimation of image orientation.


Normal orientation of image.


Image is turned left by 90 deg.


Image is flipped upsidedown (turned by 180 deg)


Image is turned right by 90 deg.

enum fsdk::PromiseError : uint8_t

Enumeration of possible Promise errors.


All good.


Internal error.


Error if you call.

See Also
Promise::cancel on not CancelRequested state.

Error if you call.

See Also
Promise::fail on not Promised and not CancelRequested state.

Error if you call.

See Also
Promise::fulfill on not Promised state.

Error if you call.

See Also
Promise::future on not Empty state.
enum fsdk::RotationType : uint32_t

Image rotation type.


Leave image as it is.


Turn image to the left by 90 deg.


Flip image upside down (turn by 180 deg)


Turn image to the right by 90 deg.

enum fsdk::SensorType

Sensor type structure. Determines which type of camera sensor is used to perform face recognition.


Visible sensor type.


NIR sensor type.

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
Ref<T> fsdk::acquire ( T *  ptr)

Acquire ownership of IRefCounted based object.

Template Parameters
Tobject interface (must be derived from IRefCounted).
[in]ptrraw pointer.
template<typename S , typename T >
Ref<S> fsdk::acquire_as ( T *  ptr)

Acquire ownership of IRefCounted based object with a cast to a given type.

Template Parameters
Starget interface (must be relative to T).
Tsource interface (must be derived from IRefCounted).
[in]ptrraw pointer.
template<typename Type >
BaseRect<Type> fsdk::centerScale ( const BaseRect< Type > &  in,
float  scaleFactor 

scale rect out of center

[in]scaleFactorto scale rect
scaled rect
Landmarks5 FSDK_API fsdk::convert ( const Landmarks68 &  landmarks)

convert landmarks68 into landmarks5

template<typename T >
Ref<T> fsdk::make_ref ( T *  ptr)

Make smart reference to a IRefCounted based object without acquiring ownership.

Template Parameters
Tobject interface (must be derived from IRefCounted).
[in]ptrraw pointer.
template<typename S , typename T >
Ref<S> fsdk::make_ref_as ( T *  ptr)

Make smart reference to a IRefCounted based object without acquiring ownership.

Template Parameters
Starget interface (must be relative to T).
Tobject interface (must be derived from IRefCounted).
[in]ptrraw pointer.
template<typename R , typename V >
ResultValue<R, typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<V>::type>::type> fsdk::makeResultValue ( result,
V &&  value 

Addon for Result to output some value aside the result.

Template Parameters
Rresult enumeration type.
Vresult value type.
All rules for Result template parameter apply to R.
V instance is always held by value despite -> operators.
resultthe result.
valuethe value.
result value struct.