Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- R16
: fsdk::Format
- R8
: fsdk::Format
- R8G8B8
: fsdk::Format
- R8G8B8X8
: fsdk::Format
- raisedScore
: fsdk::EyeBrowEstimation
- read()
: fsdk::IArchive
- Real
: fsdk::NIRLivenessEstimation
, fsdk::experimental::DeepFakeEstimation
- redetect()
: fsdk::IDetector
, fsdk::IHumanDetector
- redetectAsync()
: fsdk::IDetector
, fsdk::IHumanDetector
- redetectOne()
: fsdk::IDetector
, fsdk::IHumanDetector
- Ref()
: fsdk::Ref< T >
- RefBase()
: fsdk::RefBase< T >
- release()
: fsdk::IRefCounted
, fsdk::Image
- ReleasedInOtherThread
: fsdk::Image
- releaseWeak()
: fsdk::IRefCounted
- removeDescriptor()
: fsdk::IDynamicDescriptorStorage
- removeFast()
: fsdk::IDescriptorBatch
- removeSlow()
: fsdk::IDescriptorBatch
- replayScore
: fsdk::LivenessFPREstimation
- rescale()
: fsdk::Image
- reset()
: fsdk::Image
, fsdk::Ref< T >
, fsdk::Sizer
- resize()
: fsdk::IAsyncContext
- result
: fsdk::FacialHairEstimation
, fsdk::MedicalMaskEstimation
, fsdk::HeadWearStateEstimation
- Result()
: fsdk::Result< E >
- result
: fsdk::HeadWearTypeEstimation
, fsdk::HumanAttributeResult::LowerBodyClothingEstimation
, fsdk::HumanAttributeResult::GenderEstimation
, fsdk::HumanAttributeResult::BackpackEstimation
, fsdk::HumanAttributeResult::HatEstimation
, fsdk::HumanAttributeResult::SleeveSizeEstimation
, fsdk::MedicalMaskEstimationExtended
- Result()
: fsdk::Result< E >
- result
: fsdk::FishEyeEstimation
- ResultValue()
: fsdk::ResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value==false >::type >
, fsdk::ResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value >::type >
, fsdk::ResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value==false >::type >
, fsdk::ResultValue< R, V, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible< V >::value >::type >
- retain()
: fsdk::IRefCounted
, fsdk::Image
- retainLocked()
: fsdk::IRefCounted
- retainWeak()
: fsdk::IRefCounted
- right()
: fsdk::BaseRect< Type >
- rightEye
: fsdk::EyesEstimation
, fsdk::RedEyeEstimation
- roll
: fsdk::HeadPoseEstimation
- rotate()
: fsdk::Image