struct | fsdk::IAGSEstimator |
| Approximate Garbage Score estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::BackgroundEstimation |
| Background estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation and probability scores for each possible estimation result. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct | fsdk::IBackgroundEstimator |
| Background estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::IBestShotQualityEstimator |
| BestShotQuality estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::ImageColorEstimation |
| Image color type estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::IBlackWhiteEstimator |
struct | fsdk::ChildEstimation |
| Child estimation output. More...
struct | fsdk::IChildEstimator |
| Child estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::CredibilityCheckEstimation |
| CredibilityCheck estimator output structure. More...
struct | fsdk::ICredibilityCheckEstimator |
| CredibilityCheck estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::CrowdEstimation |
| Crowd estimation structure. More...
struct | fsdk::ICrowdEstimator |
| Crowd estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::experimental::DeepFakeEstimation |
| DeepFake estimation structure. The current implementation is experimental, and does not support backward compatibility. The API can be modified in upcoming versions. More...
struct | fsdk::experimental::IDeepFakeEstimator |
| DeepFake estimator interface. The current implementation is experimental, and does not support backward compatibility. The API can be modified in upcoming versions. More...
struct | fsdk::DynamicRangeEstimation |
| DynamicRange estimator output structure. This structure contains score for possible estimation result. Probability score is defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct | fsdk::IDynamicRangeEstimator |
| DynamicRange estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::EmotionsEstimation |
| Emotions estimation structure. Each estimation is given in normalized [0, 1] range. More...
struct | fsdk::IEmotionsEstimator |
| Emotions estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::IEthnicityEstimator |
struct | fsdk::EyeBrowEstimation |
| EyeBrow estimation structure. More...
struct | fsdk::IEyeBrowEstimator |
| EyeBrow estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::EyesEstimation |
| Eyes estimation output. More...
struct | fsdk::EyeCropper |
| EyeCropper is a helper structure for IEyeEstimator interface Methods of this structure crop an input warped image and returns rectangle coordinates of each eye. More...
struct | fsdk::IEyeEstimator |
| Eye estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::FacialHairEstimation |
| FacialHair estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct | fsdk::IFacialHairEstimator |
| FacialHair estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::FightsEstimation |
| FightsEstimation result structure. This structure will return from the IFightsEstimatorContext::getResult method call. This structure contains current estimation result for input frames. More...
struct | fsdk::IFightsEstimatorContext |
| FightsEstimator context stucture This structure will return from the IFightsEstimator::estimate method call. More...
struct | fsdk::IFightsEstimator |
| FightsEstimator estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::FishEyeEstimation |
| FishEye estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct | fsdk::IFishEyeEstimator |
| FishEye estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::GazeEstimation |
| Gaze estimation output. More...
struct | fsdk::IGazeEstimator |
| Gaze estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::IGlassesEstimator |
| Glasses estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::IHeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimator |
| Head And Shoulders estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::HeadPoseEstimation |
| Head pose estimation output. More...
struct | fsdk::IHeadPoseEstimator |
| Head pose angles estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::HeadWearStateEstimation |
| HeadWearState estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct | fsdk::HeadWearTypeEstimation |
| HeadWearType estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct | fsdk::HeadWearEstimation |
| HeadWear estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of HeadWearState and HeadWearType estimations. More...
struct | fsdk::IHeadWearEstimator |
| HeadWear estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::HumanAttributeResult |
| Unified HumanAttribute estimator output structure. More...
struct | fsdk::IHumanAttributeEstimator |
| HumanAttribute estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::DepthRange |
| Depth range configuration structure in millimeters. More...
struct | fsdk::DepthEstimation |
| Depth estimator output structure. More...
struct | fsdk::ILivenessDepthEstimator |
| Depth estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::DepthRGBEstimation |
| Depth+RBG liveness estimation output structure. More...
struct | fsdk::ILivenessDepthRGBEstimator |
| Depth+RGB estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::ILivenessFlowEstimator |
| Liveness flow estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::LivenessFlyingFacesEstimation |
| Liveness Flying Faces estimation output. More...
struct | fsdk::ILivenessFlyingFacesEstimator |
| Flying Faces Liveness estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::LivenessFPREstimation |
| Liveness FPR estimation output. More...
struct | fsdk::ILivenessFPREstimator |
| FPR Liveness estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::IREstimation |
| IR estimation structure. Each score in normalized [0, 1] range, isReal shows real person or not. More...
struct | fsdk::ILivenessIREstimator |
| Infra red liveness estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::LivenessOneShotRGBEstimation |
| Liveness OneShotRGB estimation structure. More...
struct | fsdk::ILivenessOneShotRGBEstimator |
| OneShot RGB Liveness estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::LivenessRGBMEstimation |
| LivenessRGBM estimation structure. More...
struct | fsdk::ILivenessRGBMEstimator |
| RGBM Liveness estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::MedicalMaskEstimation |
| MedicalMask estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct | fsdk::MedicalMaskEstimationExtended |
| MedicalMask estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation (. More...
struct | fsdk::IMedicalMaskEstimator |
| MedicalMask estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::SmileTypeScores |
| Scores of smile type. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. Scores in this struct sum up to 1.0. We use them to decide if person is smiling with teeth's exposed or not. More...
struct | fsdk::MouthEstimation |
| Mouth estimator output structure. Stores flags that indicates which mouth feature is present. Multiple state flags may be set to true meaning that the final mouth state is a combination of those. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct | fsdk::MouthEstimationExtended |
| Extended mouth estimator output structure. Stores flags that indicates which mouth feature is present. Multiple state flags may be set to true meaning that the final mouth state is a combination of those. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct | fsdk::IMouthEstimator |
| Mouth estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::NaturalLightEstimation |
| NaturalLight estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation and probability scores for each possible estimation result. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct | fsdk::INaturalLightEstimator |
| NaturalLight estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::NIRLivenessEstimation |
| NIR Liveness estimation structure. Each score in normalized [0, 1] range, state shows real person or not. More...
struct | fsdk::INIRLivenessEstimator |
| Infra red liveness estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::IOrientationEstimator |
| Image orientation estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::OverlapEstimation |
| Face overlap estimation output. More...
struct | fsdk::IOverlapEstimator |
| Overlap estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::PortraitStyleEstimation |
| PortraitStyle estimator output structure. This structure contains the result of estimation and probability scores for each possible estimation result. Probability scores are defined in [0,1] range. More...
struct | fsdk::IPortraitStyleEstimator |
| PortraitStyle estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::OnePPEEstimation |
| Personal Protection Equipment estimation structure (a.k.a. PPE) This structure contains prediction scores per each personal equipment attribute. More...
struct | fsdk::PPEEstimation |
| Personal Protection Equipment output structure. This structure aggregates multiple PPE attributes predictions. More...
struct | fsdk::IPPEEstimator |
| Personal Protection Equipment estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::Quality |
| Quality estimation structure Each estimation is given in normalized [0, 1] range. Parameter meanings: More...
struct | fsdk::SubjectiveQuality |
| Subjective Quality estimation structure Each estimation is given in normalized [0, 1] range. Parameter meanings: More...
struct | fsdk::IQualityEstimator |
| Image quality estimator interface. More...
struct | fsdk::RedEyeEstimation |
| Red eye estimation output. More...
struct | fsdk::IRedEyeEstimator |
| Red eye estimator interface. More...
enum | fsdk::BackgroundStatus : uint8_t { fsdk::BackgroundStatus::NonSolid = 0,
fsdk::BackgroundStatus::Solid = 1
} |
| Background estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum | fsdk::CredibilityStatus : uint8_t { fsdk::CredibilityStatus::Reliable = 1,
fsdk::CredibilityStatus::NonReliable = 2
} |
| CredibilityCheck estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum | fsdk::CrowdEstimatorType { fsdk::CET_DEFAULT = 0,
fsdk::CET_SINGLE_NET = 1,
fsdk::CET_TWO_NETS = 2,
} |
| CrowdEstimator type enumeration. More...
enum | fsdk::experimental::DeepFakeMode { Default,
} |
| DeepFake estimation mode. Currently, available values for selecting estimation scenario are: Default, M1 and M2. The scenario Default means the mode is specified in config file. More...
enum | fsdk::experimental::DeepFakeEstimation::State { fsdk::experimental::DeepFakeEstimation::State::Real = 0,
} |
enum | fsdk::FacialHair { fsdk::FacialHair::NoHair = 0,
} |
| FacialHair estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum | fsdk::FishEye { fsdk::FishEye::NoFishEyeEffect = 0,
fsdk::FishEye::FishEyeEffect = 1
} |
| FishEye estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum | fsdk::GlassesEstimation : uint8_t { fsdk::GlassesEstimation::NoGlasses,
} |
| Glasses estimation enum. More...
enum | fsdk::HeadWearState { Yes = 0,
} |
| HeadWearState estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results.
enum | fsdk::HeadWearType : uint8_t {
NoHeadWear = 0,
} |
| HeadWearType estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results.
enum | fsdk::HumanAttributeRequest {
fsdk::HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateAge = 1 << 0,
fsdk::HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateGender = 1 << 1,
fsdk::HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateSleeveSize = 1 << 2,
fsdk::HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateBackpack = 1 << 3,
fsdk::HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateOutwearColor = 1 << 4,
fsdk::HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateHeadwear = 1 << 5,
fsdk::HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateLowerBodyClothing = 1 << 7,
fsdk::HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateShoeColor = 1 << 8,
fsdk::HumanAttributeRequest::EstimateAll = 0xffff
} |
| HumanAttributeRequest lists all possible estimation attributes that HumanAttributeEstimator is currently able to estimate. More...
enum | fsdk::MedicalMask { fsdk::MedicalMask::Mask = 0,
} |
| MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum | fsdk::MedicalMaskExtended { fsdk::MedicalMaskExtended::Mask = 0,
} |
| MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible extended estimation results. More...
enum | fsdk::DetailedMaskType {
fsdk::DetailedMaskType::CorrectMask = 0,
} |
| MedicalMask estimator output enum. This enum contains all type of DetailedMaskType results. More...
enum | fsdk::SmileType { fsdk::SmileType::None,
} |
| MouthEstimationExtended smile type enum. This enum contains all possible smile types. More...
enum | fsdk::LightStatus : uint8_t { fsdk::LightStatus::NonNatural = 0,
fsdk::LightStatus::Natural = 1
} |
| NaturalLight estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum | fsdk::NIRLivenessMode { Default,
} |
| NIRLiveness estimation mode. Currently, available values to select the estimation mode are: Default, M1 and M2. The scenario Default means the mode is specified in config file. More...
enum | fsdk::PortraitStyleStatus : uint8_t { fsdk::PortraitStyleStatus::NonPortrait = 0,
fsdk::PortraitStyleStatus::Portrait = 1,
fsdk::PortraitStyleStatus::HiddenShoulders = 2
} |
| PortraitStyle estimator output enum. This enum contains all possible estimation results. More...
enum | fsdk::RedEyeStatus : uint8_t { fsdk::RedEyeStatus::NonRed,
} |
| Enumeration of possible red eye statuses. More...
IBestShotQualityEstimator::EstimationRequest | fsdk::operator| (IBestShotQualityEstimator::EstimationRequest first, IBestShotQualityEstimator::EstimationRequest second) |
virtual Result< FSDKError > | fsdk::experimental::IDeepFakeEstimator::estimate (const Image &image, const Detection &detection, DeepFakeEstimation &estimation) const noexcept=0 |
| DeepFake estimation. The current implementation is experimental, and does not support backward compatibility. The API can be modified in upcoming versions. More...
virtual Result< FSDKError > | fsdk::experimental::IDeepFakeEstimator::estimate (Span< const Image > images, Span< const Detection > detections, Span< DeepFakeEstimation > estimations) const noexcept=0 |
| DeepFake estimation. The current implementation is experimental, and does not support backward compatibility. The API can be modified in upcoming versions. More...
virtual Result< FSDKError > | fsdk::experimental::IDeepFakeEstimator::validate (Span< const Image > images, Span< const Detection > detections, Span< Result< FSDKError >> errors) const noexcept=0 |
| Validate input of multiple frames in a single function call. The current implementation is experimental, and does not support backward compatibility. The API can be modified in upcoming versions. More...
HumanAttributeRequest | fsdk::operator| (HumanAttributeRequest lhs, HumanAttributeRequest rhs) |
bool | fsdk::operator& (HumanAttributeRequest lhs, HumanAttributeRequest rhs) |
Emotions | fsdk::EmotionsEstimation::getPredominantEmotion () const |
| Returns emotion with greatest score.
float | fsdk::EmotionsEstimation::getEmotionScore (Emotions emotion) const |
| Returns score of required emotion. More...
float | fsdk::IEthnicityEstimator::EstimationResult::getEthnicityScore (Ethnicities ethnicity) const |
| the result ethnicity
FrontalFaceType | fsdk::HeadPoseEstimation::getFrontalFaceType () const |
| Returns type of face frontality.
float | fsdk::HeadWearStateEstimation::getScore (HeadWearState state) const |
| Returns score of required headwear state. More...
float | fsdk::HeadWearTypeEstimation::getScore (HeadWearType type) const |
| Returns score of required headwear type. More...
float | fsdk::HumanAttributeResult::OutwearColorEstimation::getScore (Color color) const |
| Returns score of required outwear color. More...
float | fsdk::HumanAttributeResult::ApparentColorEstimation::getScore (ApparentColor color) const |
| Returns score of required color. More...
float | fsdk::MedicalMaskEstimation::getScore (DetailedMaskType type) const |
| Returns score of required detailed mask type. More...
PPEState | fsdk::OnePPEEstimation::getPredominantState () |
| returns predominant personal equipment state
float | fsdk::Quality::getQuality () const noexcept |
bool | fsdk::SubjectiveQuality::isGood () const noexcept |
Estimators public interfaces and related types and structures.