Face Engine SDK
A face detection, recognition and tracking engine.
include | |
fsdk | |
Estimators | |
IAGSEstimator.h | |
IBestShotQualityEstimator.h | |
IEyeEstimator.h | |
IGlassesEstimator.h | |
IHeadPoseEstimator.h | |
ILivenessOneShotRGBEstimator.h | |
IMedicalMaskEstimator.h | |
IQualityEstimator.h | |
Types | |
Detection.h | |
Face.h | |
FaceEngineEdition.h | |
Format.h | |
Future.h | |
Human.h | |
HumanLandmarks.h | |
Image.h | |
Landmarks.h | |
MultiError.h | |
OrientationType.h | |
Rect.h | |
Ref.h | |
RefBase.h | |
Result.h | |
ResultValue.h | |
Sizer.h | |
Span.h | |
SubImage.h | |
Vector2.h | |
WeakRef.h | |
Def.h | Common SDK definitions |
Exception.h | |
FaceEngine.h | Face detection, analyzing and recognition SDK interfaces, AIO public header |
FSDKError.h | Common SDK error codes |
FSDKVersion.h | |
IAsyncContext.h | Async context interface |
IDescriptor.h | Descriptor extractor and matcher interfaces |
IDetector.h | Face detector interfaces |
IFaceDetectionBatch.h | |
IFaceEngineMobile.h | |
IHumanDetectionBatch.h | |
IHumanDetector.h | |
IHumanWarper.h | Image warping base on Human detection |
IIndex.h | |
ILicense.h | |
IObject.h | Object system types and interfaces |
IRefCounted.h | Reference counted object interface |
IResultBatch.h | |
ISettingsProvider.h | Settings provider interface |
IWarper.h | Image and landmarks warping |
LaunchOptions.h | |
Log.h | Log interfaces |
Optional.h | |
Types.h | Common data types and structures |
Version.h | SDK version information routines |